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Getting Around Palau

       A daily commuter flight goes to Peliliu, the scenic island that was the sight of a three-month battle during World War II that resulted in a massibe casualties for the Japanese and the U.S Marines. Today it is a quiet place with scenic beaches fringed with ironwood trees, rugged coastlines with rocky outcrops and a dragonback ridge that holds many monuments to those who suffered in the war.
       The dropoffs around Peliliu are so steep that there is really nothing war-related to dive here. But the land has many interesting landmarks. The commuter flight goes over the rock islands and has to be the most incredibly beautiful flights in the world.
       Once on land, it is possible to rent a car to see such sites as the Japanese Caves near the road by Elochel Dock. There are small bats that live there during the day. The battered Japanese Communication Center is downtown in Kloklubed village. Bloody Nose Ridge is the place where the fierce WWII fight took place. Orange Beach was the invasion beach on September 15, 1944. Japanese bunkers can still be found here. At Camp Beck Dock, an assortment of old ships, including one Gen. MacArthur used to tour the Philippines, as well as armaments and mangled planes can be found bulldozed into heaps.
       For relaxing, the Ngermelt Swimming Hole is a sink hole with a ladder to help you get out after cooling off or ask about a campsite at one of the beaches near the freshwater swimming hole.

Story by Tim Rock