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Ancient Palauan Calendar

Tmur Modelab Taoch Elid Orengodel Chiach Tmur Modelab Taoch Elid Orengodel Chiach
Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct

Amazing...the calendar starts on the month of November in the American calendar. The reason is that the Palauans based their calendar on the phases of the moon. During November, I think the new moon comes out. I'll research on it some more and index the results here. This shows that the Palauan calendar had only six months in a year. So, two years in Palau is equivalent to one year in the American calendar. In order distinguish which is which, the first six months are known as "ONGOS". The last are known as "NGEBARD". So, if you want to say the month of November for example, you'd say "Tmur ra Ongos"...the name of the month with the category its in. The month of May would be "Tmur ra Ngebard".

The Palauan Horoscope

The following are like horoscopes for each month in the Palauan Calendar. It is told that if you were born in a certain month, then you would have these kinds of personality, behaviour, and so forth. Find out your Palauan horoscope now.....you may be a much better person than you think.

NOVEMBER When you're born, you're always crying, talkative, easy to sweat (sweaty). When you're an adult you always questions (curious), always ask for things, don't care to get hurt, and always in debt.
DECEMBER When you're born, you'll smell good, and your skin will be sensitive and clean. When you're older, you're the flirtatious type and always interrupt. i.e, conversations, work, etc.
JANUARY When you're young, you'll be insensitive, always avoiding responsibility. You don't comprehend things easily. You don't have endurance (you're a quitter).
FEBRUARY When you're young, you will have "angel eyes"...beautiful eyes. When you're an adult, you always want to dance, always have stories to tell, and a lier.
MARCH You have an open personality, peaceful, and very influential. Will get involved in lots of community projects. You can't forget things.
MAR - APR The last three days in March are not included with that month in the Palauan Calendar. During these three days, when a baby is born, he/she will always pee (sechemochem in Palauan). For the male boy, when he grows up, he will have a large penis and will always fool around with women. For the female, a large vagina. Hey...I'm not making these up!
APRIL You are couragous (have a strong heart). You're in control and you have the personality of a leader. Homely personality. If you're a woman, your very down-to-earth, very serious about marriage and commitments.
MAY When you're young, your ears are always infected. You learn things fast but you forget them easily. Forgetful and always imitating others.
JUNE When you're young, your always naughty....so when you grow up, you always complain. You forget things easily and you remember things easily. You always want details of anything and always analizing things.
JULY Female: You're the jealous type, you have quick hands - meaning you're quick to take what's not yours.
Male: You don't like to share your things or food, always want to be first in everything, always lie to get what you want.
AUGUST You want to travel and you know how to travel around places. You're the marriage type, unique, and you have a sweet voice....for singing.
SEPTEMBER You can learn things fast, and you know a lot of things. You don't to do anything unless something is given in return.
OCTOBER You are couragous (have a strong heart). You're in control and you have the personality of a leader. Homely personality. If you're a woman, your very down-to-earth, very serious about marriage and commitments.
OCT - NOV The last three days in October are not included with that month in the Palauan Calendar like the month of March. During these three days, when a baby is born, he/she will always pee (sechemochem in Palauan). For the male boy, when he grows up, he will have a large penis and will always fool around with women. For the female, a large vagina. Again...I'm not making these up!

Information on this page were taken and translated from the book "A Kot El Ulmechall" by:
Society of Historians
Division of Cultural Affairs
Bureau of Community Services
Ministry of Social Services

For incorrect translations, I take full blame. Let me know!

[EMAIL ME]: ydkdy@cyberdude.com