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That Seventies Show is a groovy TV program about teenagers; Eric, Donna, Fez, Kelso, Hyde, and Jackie; during the seventies. It's on Sunday nights at 8:00pm.

{short description of image} Characters from left to right:
Fez, Jackie, Stephen Hyde, Eric Forman, Michael Kelso, and Donna


"This suit is for leisure. But many times I wear it to get down to business." -- Fez

"The party has reached critical mass. In five minutes there will be no more beer opportunities." -- Hyde

"Please stop touching each other! It gives me needs" -- Fez

"We'll trade you our battery, plus five bucks for one of you're batteries" -- Kelso

"Only quitters quit." -- Red Forman

"Hey, Eric? Don't you want your balls back?." -- Donna

"I say we torture them with plenty of pointless rules and advice." -- Eric as Red

"Don't resist me, Mama. It's boogie time." -- Fez

"We were put on a farm here by aliens and we're cattle man! We're cattle!" -- Hyde

"A car is not a bedroom on wheels." -- Kitty

"I said be a man, not be a wuss." -- Hyde

"He's going to be this pathetic guy...With breasts the size of watermelons! Is what Moses said to the Egyptians..." -- Kelso

"I think God would want us to go to Milwaukee" -- Kelso

I'm good looking and he's jealous. I'm telling you Jackie, this body is a curse" -- Kelso

"Laugh if you want but my butt looks pretty good in those." -- Kelso

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Polyester, Lava Lamps, & Record Players.
Groovy. Very Groovy.
Fabulous Beatle Page Remarkable Rent Page
Awesome Empire Records Page Groovy "That '70s Show" page
Peachy Wedding Singer Page Enchanting Ever After page
Fun Friends Page A** Kicking Aerosmith Page
Musical MIDI Jukebox