I received Christ into my life when i was eight years old. But, in January of 1998, i really started to get to know who He was. I had been through a lot in my past. Some people would say that it was typical teenage stuff, but there is no excuse for the way that i had acted.

My parents and i had both thought, a lot, that after an incident had happened, that was the last one. We all thought that i had learned my lesson. Including me. But i didn't. I was always tempted by the world, and i took the bait. Till one day in January of 1998. That was the last straw with my parents and with our family. I had caused too much pain and suffering. What one person does in our family, effects the rest. I didn't realize it until then.

I had to gain my parents trust all over again starting with step #1. I had all of my priveledges taken away. It was really hard because i always tried to keep in contact with my old friends. The more i stayed in touch with them, the more i was involved with the world and farther from God.

Nothing was really changing except fot the fact that i was always home. I was in my room one night and prayed to God to take my life and take full control of it. I couldn't handle it anymore and i was nothing without Him. If He couldn't do anything for me, then no one could. But, from that point on, He has taken control of my life. It took me eight years to realize that even though i had excepted Christ in my heart, i was not living for Him. I couldn't just be a hearer of the Word, but a doer.

Today i live my life for Him. I try my hardest to do whatever He wants me to do. I thank God for rescuing me! And praise Him for all that He has done!

If you have not recieved Christ into your heart, and want to, click on the lamb at the end this paragraph. There will be a prayer there that you can read and pray. God Bless!!

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