I live in Colorado. We are the home of the Rocks. That's what we call it, because we are famous for the Colorado Rocky Mountains. This is a great state. For those of you that have not yet visited, you really need to do so.

I have lived here for six years. My step-dad got transfered out here when i was in 5th grade.

Our mountains are so pretty, especially in the winter when all of them are covered in snow. There are many ski resorts and places to see here. We have a huge airport, which most of you already know. They have just recently started building new roads straight to and from it. (Which is very convenient)

We have had 2 really big storms since we have lived here. One that was caused by hail and one with snow. Keep this in mind, these happened in Aurora. Other storms have occured in Colorado, just not in our area.

The hail storm hit us in Sept-Oct of 1994. There were huge branches knocked off, car windows broken, cars dented, sky light windows broke, roofs damaged, etc. Our next door neighbor's dog was left outside, by accident, and was killed by it. These hail balls were the size of golf balls or a little bigger. When it was over, all the neighbors went outside and talked to each other about it. It was really scary.

The blizzard happened in October of 1997. There was 3 feet of snow where we lived. Our whole family went out and played in it the next day. It was really fun. My brother and sister could barely walk in it. We had finally been able to make a 'big' snowman.

Colorado is a great place to live. The weather can get really cold in the winter and super hot in the summer, but that way, you actually get the full affect of the four seasons, right??


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