Welcome to Spoilsite

As music is the root of the band's life, this website is dedicated to the music that spawned the band known only as Spoil.

For more than a year, this band of dedicated musicians struggled for a better understanding of their music and their craft. And through these times improvements along with adjustments on their musical styles have proven worthwhile as evidenced by the sound that is Spoil.

Featured in this website is the complete history of the band from its beginnings to its stronger and more mature stages, including former members and their current bands.  It chronicles the bands past achievements, endeavors - not excluding the crazy ones, and unfortunate events that the members would deny if asked.  Click on profile if information of this sort hungers you.

Updates are everything about events that does not necessarily include the band members but are in some way of a significance to the bands' cause like drinking sessions and house parties highlighting of course the interesting events that happen along the way and after.  It also includes the good stuff like relatives' weddings and friends' graduations and anything that would concern the band's immediate social circle.

Click on articles for mumble jumbles about anything that would interest the average-minded human being, preferably those in the noise making industry but not excluding the ones in the porn industry.  These are basically nonsensical writings that have probably been ripped off some rock or porn magazine that nevertheless entertains the feeble minds of many.  Included here are articles on recently discovered mutants and alien abductions, including local scandals that now sell like pancakes at pirated-vcd's store.

ITS 2005

the guestbook is now available
or you may send Spoil an instant message if online
new songs and new lyrics are
available at Spoilsound. 
Download Burnt, Relativity, Hate
and Sightless

more lyrics to Reverse, This Far
Never Alone and Rain.