If Teddy Bears Rule The World Banner

Song Playing is called "WhenThe Children Cry"


If Teddy Bears Ruled The World

Dear Teddy Poem Graphic - Teddy Bear

If teddy bears ruled the world,
Oh my, what a wonderful place.
Everyone would be happy.
There would be a smile on every face.
We would picnic every Sunday
At our favorite old oak tree.
We would sing and dance and prance about,
Just playing joyfully.

We would all be nice to each other
And always lend a hand.
Ready with a bear hug,
We would always understand.

We would all be happy when something nice
Happened for one of our friends
And our friendships would last forever.
Nothing would cause them to end.

We would be kind to everyone,
Not just those in our own home,
But to everyone throughout our world,
Wherever we may roam.

Yes, if teddy bears ruled the world,
What a wonderful life this would be.
Our hearts would always be happy
As we danced by the old oak tree.
~ author unknown ~

Author Unknown

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