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There are many forms of Child Abuse. Each one is as devastating as the others, but should a child have to go through more than one abuse, they will develop many problems. Some may not be apparent for years as the child has learned how to cope by the many forms of self preservation. Some of the most known child abuses are:
1) Child Sexual Abuse
2) Child Physical Abuse
3) Child Neglect to their basic needs
4) Psychological Abuse
5) Emotional Abuse

Each one of these types of abuse has it's own branches.

Child Sexual Abuse is one that has many branches.

Child Sexual Abuse has the highest rate of victims for all the Child Abuse Types at the present time. There is a definite link between Child Sexual Abuse and Child Pornography.

This type of abuse isn't just limited to the outside world. It is now a growing business on the net as well.

There is now a big push to stop the sending of pornographic material to children. Since more and more children have access to the web, many Pornographic sites are sending unsolicited pornographic material to children. In some states this is against the law. Should you find out that your children have received unsolicited pornographic material, you can contact your local police department and find out what the laws are against this.

If your state or province does not have any laws on this...then it is time to push them into taking action. Too many children are suffering from this type of abuse.

Child pornography is most certainly a form of child sexual abuse and maltreatment. With this type of activity steadily on the rise it seems there is more of a demand for it then most of us are aware of, especially via the Internet.

The following are some links that may shed some light on the subject and answer questions that I could not answer. As well as these links...there are more links to agencies, organizations and sites that offer a wealth of information on each of the types of abuses that are listed. They can be found in the organizations and listings of sites.

National Child Pornography Tipline 1-800-843-5678

ECPAT international

The Child Protection Society

US Customs Child Pornography Enforcement Program

ITAA State Laws on Obscenity, Child Pornography and Harassment

Nick the Llama fight against child pornography

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Child Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is another of the worst forms of child abuse. Many of the children do not survive this type of abuse and are actually murdered by the people who are suppose to love, care and protect them. As I have been trying to do research on this topic I have come across many sites totally devoted to Child Abuse and some that have very large sites that are totally devoted to the murdered victims of Child Abuse. It may be very hard for most of us to understand how anyone could kill a child...let alone your own child, but it's happening and happening at a large rate.

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Child Neglect to their basic needs

Child Neglect is another form of child abuse. This type of abuse has also resulted in many deaths. Parents who kill children by denying them their basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing.

You can well image how little love there is when even the basic needs of the child are not being met. These parents actually kill their children by not feeding them. A helpless child who cannot fend for themselves simply die due to the neglect of the people who are suppose to love, care and protect them.

What is this world coming to when so many children are dying at the hands of their own parents! This has to stop...we all must join together to protect the little innocent children. We cannot allow Child Abuse to continue any longer. It must end and must end now.

You can help by promoting these causes on your site. It's so easy to do and yet will mean so much to the children who are suffering. I've spent many hours crying as I view the horror stories of what some people have lived through. And for what? Why is this happening to children? What is wrong with our society that killing children is on the rise? Have these parents gone mad? Most of the time it is because the parents were abused as children and never sought help or healing and therefore continue the cycle.

And ABUSE is a cycle and has to be stopped. There are so many children who live in fear and if you spent 8 hours on the web going from link to link you'd see how much pain this has caused to so many. Some are lucky...they survive and they heal and thus break the cycle. Some are not so lucky and the cycle continues to be a part of each new generation born.

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Psychological Abuse

Psychological Abuse is another form of abuse. This type of abuse is a lot less noticeable. The problem is that it never just stays at the Psychological stage...it also usually one or more of the other types of abuse going on as well. Can you imagine growing up hearing nothing but bad things about youself?

Picture this:
Two children...who live across the street from each other. One lives in a functional home and the other an abusive and dysfuctional home.

From the Abusive and Dysfunctional home:

The child comes home from school and says "Guess what, mom and dad? I got a B in school today! The parents say, "Why couldn't you have done better. Are you an idiot?

The same child comes running in one day and proudly states "Mom, Dad, I mowed the lawn for you". The parents say, "Did you forget to put the garbage out, stupid?"

The same child gleefully annouces to his mother, "Mom I did all the dishes and cleaned the kitchen to surprise you!" The mother looks angrily at the child and says "Yea, and I bet you probably broke something and I know that you didn't clean your room, you are such a rotten child!"

While across the street the same scene
From the Functional and Non Abusive Home

The child comes home from school and says "Guess what, mom and dad? I got a B in school today! The parents say, "Wow, fantastic son, we know that you did your best and we are very proud of you". Here's a big hug as a reward.

The same child comes running in one day and proudly states "Mom, Dad, I mowed the lawn for you". The parents say, "Thanks, what a very thoughful child you are. I'm so glad that you mowed the lawn because it was getting long. We're so proud of you."

The same child gleefully annouces to his mother, "Mom I did all the dishes and cleaned the kitchen to surprise you!" The mother looks lovingly at her child and states "How thoughtful and considerate you are. I really appreciate you doing all that and you did a fantastic job. You are so wonderful and we're very proud of you."

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Emotional Abuse

This and Psychological Abuse are very closely related. This type of abuse takes a toll on children's self esteem. If the people who are suppose to love and care for them are putting them down constantly or even occassionally then the child will grow up and think that they are not worth loving. This will affect their being adults as well and they will seek self destructive relationships. So many children live with this type of abuse on a daily basis that it would be impossible to calculate the number of children who are going through this. I'm sure that there are no statistics available on this type of abuse as it usually goes with one of the other types of abuse. Emotional abuse usually goes with the other forms of abuse - sexual, physical or neglect.

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