Kendra's Poetry Page


By Kendra Girod


This earth has contained me,

fed me, clothed me, and chained me.

To this earth I'm no longer bound.

Upon the wind of the skies I am new found.


My soul dances on an evening breeze,

I whisper through the sycamore trees.

I'll fly on the wings of birds and

sing a song I've never heard.


I'll rest upon mountain peaks,

floating through hills of clover and leaves,

plowing among plains of corn and grains,

gliding in dark, green forests of rain.


To the waves I follow ashore,

to city lights I've explored.

Calmly Floating on the breeze

I watched the new morning with ease.


My soul is freedom flying

for I have left but not departed.

I watch this earth that chained me.

This earth that does not contain me.




By Kendra Girod


Thougts of thee drifting through thy mind,

The bright rays of warm sunshine.

So much loss, so much pain,

Dissolving in the soothing rain

Sounds of laughter fill thy head.

The words, thy music master, once said,

Thoust voice so strong, so noble and bold

The music from thee a gift of gold.

"Thoust will always be with thee,

Soar the skies and be free."

Upon these words thy took flight,

Never keeping thee far from sight.

With thy wind beneath thy wings,

I found the happiness flying hast bring.

Learning, gliding, living, soaring,

Echos of music in the morning.

Feeling the rush, high in the air,

Dreams of spring are everywhere.

May the world forever know,

How thoust loved it so.




by Kendra Girod

Dedicated to my Mom and Dad


All is quiet now, an unsetting peace falls upon the house.

The children, gone one by one, have left their nest to make it

on their own.

They no longer demand to use the telephone, we now longer ask

"when will you be home".

No need to wait up at night, wondering if they're allright.

The day we dreamed of has finally come, we only wish time would

back up some.

To hear the laughter, to hear a cry, to see them wave first bye-bye.

To mend their arms and knees too, to teach them meaning of

"I love you".

We hope they know the extent of our love, how it surpasses the unknown regions above.

Our hearts are bound by three children dear, we only wish that they could be


Strange as this may sound, our freedom is new found.

Time for us and our needs, time for us to sow different kinds of seeds.

As we once did, not so long ago, now closer together we can grow.

We can now pursue our dreams, for we know what true happiness means.

A family that's priceless, our family full of love.






By Kendra Girod



Always remember the time of love shared,

Treasure forever the feelings given there.

For left are beautiful memories

That only the heart can see.


Time in the heart has no meaning or space,

For the love is lasting in this wonderous place.

The memory of a laugh or a smile,

Can carry you through days of darkened miles.


Rejoice in the thoughts of a close loved one,

For from the heart the strongest emotions come.

Feelings of anger and joy, love and pain,

Sweep over the heart like winds of the plains.


Love and life that once was and one day may be,

Our memories, are the ripples left from destiny.

Filling the heart with bonds of gold entwined,

They soothe the soul and the mind.


Often they are like the stars and the rain,

Felt and to be remembered time and time again.

So hold them close and dont let them go,

Dream of them, and remember how they touched you so.



Age Of Time

By Kendra Girod


Through the withering pine trees,

across the wrinkling seas,

it's coming, it's coming after me...


Through the thinning everglades,

between the gray foggy haze,

it's chasing, it's chasing after me...


Through the painful curves of canyon ridge,

over the bent golden bridge,

it's closer, it's closer to me...


Through the gnarled weeping willow logs,

into the decaying bogs,

too late, too late, it's here...


Through the mindless Niagara Falls,

down under the earth, as called.

No more, no more, chasing after me...


Through the young oak leaves,

upon the fresh, new morning breeze,

life, life, after me.





By Kendra Girod


She knew a man, once long ago,

Who for which her love was aglow.

Their tender talks and touches of caring,

Showed their love in their sharing.

Never known was a greater love, they would say,

But lifes realities, kept them at bay.

They met when the time and distance were wrong,

To each other they could not belong.

Though no matter how they tried,

She could not be by his side.

Sweet love was what she felt,

Reality was what they were dealt.

When he let her go,

There was no other that she loved so.

No words could she speak would ease their pain,

She screamed into the pouring rain.

Her quiet tears fell into space.

Knowing she could not touch his face,

With a gaze or one touch she knew he would see,

Forever connected to his heart she would be.

So seperate they went their ways,

To meet again in another day.

For her love did not die,

Buried inside it did lie.

Then there came the day when the time was right,

The sun shown through the clouds so bright.

Upon an open door she knocked,

In his gaze she was locked.

She knew him and he knew her,

Love was instant and it was pure.

They touched, sang and danced,

Never would they let go this chance.

To be as one in heart and mind,

A love of one of a kind.

Forever they lived happily,

For this fairy tale is real you see.





By Kendra Girod


Thy heart is torn asunder,

Petals crushed under the plunder.

Gifts of thy love shattered and torn,

Leaving thy soul left forlorn.

Passions glory has thoust left thee,

Release thy life, to let it be.

Let thy spirit start anew,

To find one, whose love is true.

Whose happiness and laughter given in delight,

Desires thoust will fill thy nights.

To know tender words and gentle caring,

Experience love of life, equal in the sharing.

Oh, to have it be..

Let it go.. Set me free.....



Brighten Some One's Day

By Kendra Girod


The world clashes

Thunder echos, across the sky flashes.

Stars burning hot and bright,

Against the anger in the night.

Oh woe, to the weary soul,

Who wishes to fight no more.

May peace reign supreme,

Become true and not just a dream.

Through respect and love, peace CAN be gained,

To make shattered worlds whole again.

So fight, the hardest fight,

Become kind, compassionate, do what is right.

Let there be no more tortured or hardened souls,

Make this your everyday goal.

You can cause some one to laugh or grin,

Dont make them cry and feel dim.

Brighten in a little way,

Each and every persons day.

For it is your choice, your world, your hope,

To create the peace for in which I spoke.






By Kendra Girod


Thy stroke of thy pen,words of thy mind,

Sought to break the bonds of thine bind.

Thee roseth up within thy self,

Renewed thy courage and inner wealth.

Believing not thine cutting razor words,

Drawn with barbs upon thine sword.

Tis ardious this unrelinquishing strife,

Rising from the flames of thine distant life.

Long past thine time of tragedies end,

Thy soul shall no longer twist and bend.

For fury growth with rage of spawned,

Hath heed take warning and fear thine next dawn.

Thy song sung will neither be meek nor mild

For gone is yester years child.

Maketh no mistakes,cover thine steps well,

Or yet again thine tradegdy is sure to dispell.

Tis a perilious course that ye take,

No victory cry shall thee make.

For now thy sould haste prepared to fight,

My destiny, a Phoenix, doth I take flight.




By Kendra Girod


In the darkness, I sit alone,

The only voice, the sound of my own.

The songs ring clear in the night,

Recalling me to a past and future so bright.

They sing of what love was meant to be,

A wish, a dream, fantasy and reality.

I hold in my heart a great hope,

Letting neither my mind nor spirit mope.

I cannot any sadness reign,

Even when I feel overcome with the pain.

For one day alone I shall not be,

But with my love that was destined for me.


The Leaving,The Gift

By Kendra Girod


She walked in the misty haze,

Searching the faces, with a sorrowfull gaze.

In her hand a beloved cross, so tightly it did she grip,

From fingertips her rose red blood did drip.

It seemed so long ago,

When she told him, she loved him so.

During the summer soalist past,

When they knew that, that night could be their last.

They had talked and loved the time away,

Held each other as they tried to hold time at bay.

But alas came the morning light,

And with it, the knowledge of foresight.

Drying her tears and holding her head proud,

She cloaked him in his black and red armors shroud.

Step by step to the keeps foryard, they did take,

Side by side, what a pair they did make!

He mounted his trustworthy stead,

Oh such a strong loving knight he was indeed.

She reached and clasped his hand,

Eyes meeting, she whispered, a love that would forever withstand.

And so he rode out that final day,

Across the drawbridge he did stop and wave.

Tears in her eyes and her hand lifted high,

Did she bid him goodbye.

Days turned to weeks and the weeks to months,

There came no word, though she feared not once.

For he spoke to her in her dreams,

So closely tied were their heart strings.

Then there came a day, to her dismay,when she heard his cry,

She raced to the stables, where her horse stood ready to fly.

With haste they covered the miles and more,

Her horse and she past through the lands on wings, of magic's lore.

To the battlefield she appeared,

She looked through the faces, never knowing a greater fear.

By destiny's hand she, to his side was led,

Clutching his hand their blood mixed, coating the ground blood red.

Twas not his life she could save that day,

Nor her own heart though she cried and prayed.

Screaming and pleading for God to hear,

He sent an answer, a gift,for their love to continue forever dear.

She wept as he left her that day,

Railing at the skies of darkened gray.

She gripped his hand and swore to him,

That their love would never be forsaken or grow dim.

For in her heart she carried him,

Her love would not waver, her dream never growing dim.

For God had promised the greatest gift of all,

Life after death, from which their love could never fall.

So to the future lives, she forever looked,

When no boundaries or wars existed to be brooked

To be once again with her true love,

That was carried to her, and away from her by God's sweet dove.

So if you perchance to hear, her ancestorial celtic music play,

Think of these lovers hearts forever intwined to stay...





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Created: December 17, 1997