Groove With Me, People

Welcome to Zero the Hero's Homepage

Mr. Pink and Mr. White's Legendary Confrontation in Quentin Tarantino's
'Reservoir Dogs.'

Welcome to my homepage. I'll start things off with some stuff about myself. My name is Marcus Enlow, and I'm in my fourth year at the University of Southern Indiana, where I'm majoring in radio/TV. I live in Boonville, Indiana, but I go to school and work in Evansville, IN. I work part time as a field photographer and newsroom assistant at WEVV CBS 44.

You're probably wondering what this eternally burning flame is all about...

It's for my 'cyber-concubine' Kristy. She's the sweetheart I never had, but always wished for. We've been emailing back and forth now for quite a while now, and we keep getting to know each other better.

If you don't know Kristy, take a second to meet my silverdoll.

What Can I Do Here, Loserboy?

Zero-the-Hero's Music Page

Links to Other Sites on the Web

CBS 44

The 3 Stooges
Corey Lindsey's Homepage. The 3 Stooges, television, and rock 'n roll.

Jay-son's World
This is my pal Jay-son's page. He's a fartknocker.

Flaming Pop Tarts
Strawberry Pop-Tart Blowtorches. Pop-Tarts + fire = Fun and destruction.

Smoke it up

Mike Ozer's Homepage. Mike was a foreign exchange student at my high school... he's pretty cool.

Jesus' Hompage. WARNING: This page consists of VERY mature material. Small children or sensitive people should NOT view this page.

If you don't have email, for God's sake man, GET IT! Both of these companies offer FREE web-based email accounts. All you need to qualify is internet access.



If you like what you see, or if you have comments or suggestions,
please feel free to email me.

Hits Since March 5, 1997.

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