SongMeister's HomePage

Test your music trivia skills

I have entered the first quiz. It is 187 questions split over 8 sections. Feel free to start sending your answers.
I plan to load up another quiz in the near future (and maybe a third, we'll see). The first is Songfest 5 and the second will be Songfest 6 (ya, I know, but there is a reason that I can't count). Good luck playing the games.
Sections 1, 4, 6 & 7 have been loaded for SONGFEST 6. I will continue to work on the remaining sections.
I will continue to work on the second quiz as fast as I can so please accept my apoligies for the rude construction workers.

SONGFEST 5 - Music Trivia

SONGFEST 6 - More Music Trivia(Partly completed - will be finished even sooner)


Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame

The Hard Rock Cafe

Q107 Toronto's Best Rock

Camporama - the boys do have fun

O'Schwegel's Mundane Homepage

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Last Updated: Monday, February 3, 1997.

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