I attended Baghdad International School from 1987 until 1989 and it was an experience that changed me in many ways. First of all, it was the place. I mean, consider this; here I am, a 13-year-old prick (or something close to that!!!) in Greece, barely knowing that there are some countries bordering us and suddenly, in June '87 I move to Baghdad Iraq and in the middle of a shooting war!!!!

A beautiful Baghdad sunset... just before it was time for another missile raid!!!

For the last 3 years before I had moved there, I was at this religious, strict school (which I affectionately called "The Athens Concentration Camp") and suddenly I move to this Baghdad International School, pretty much like one of these US schools I used to see in the Rob Lowe movies of that time. Anyway, I had a great time there, learned a lot of things, along the way I had my face rubbed on the mud but still... it was very educational in every aspect.

A photo of Baghdad International School (I am not sure if it is still standing or has been hit by a Stealth / Tomahawk raid)

Now, the reason I have written all this down is that in the very near future this section aspires to become the official BIS reunion page. So, if anyone who reads this has ever been to BIS (or knows someone who has)


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A beautiful classmate of mine. Click here for a bigger image

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