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Reading Tablature

   The 6 lines represent the 6 strings of the guitar. The numbers are 
   the fret positions. "O" is an open string.

NOTE VALUES_____________________________________________________________

   o - whole    P - half    | - quarter    |_ - eighth     =  - sixteenth    

   . - dotted note     |_| - two eighths joined     |=| - two sixteenths    

   } - quarter rest    |_|_| - triplet      grace notes have no markings
LEFT HAND TECHNIQUES____________________________________________________  
   h = hammer-on    p = pull-off    s = slide    ~ = vibrato    b = bend
   / = slide up     \ = slide down  > = accented notes   harm.= harmonic

LEFT HAND (above staff)_________________________________________________

   (4) = pinky   (3) = ring   (2) = middle   (1) = index   (T) = thumb

RIGHT HAND (below staff)________________________________________________

   r = ring finger   m = middle   i = index   t = thumb

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