BSBaholics anonymous
This page was last updated on July 16, 1999
Welcome to BSBaholics Anonymous. This is an interactive support group designed to help you, the BSBaholic, overcome your obsession with the best boy group in the world....the Backstreet Boys!! So, come back often because this site will always be under construction!!! And PLEASE PLEASE sign the guestbook under Find A Sponsor!!
~The Nutty Buddies~
BSBaholics have obsessed here since March 23, 1999.

Your chance to vent your obsessions and post messages to fellow BSBaholics!!!
View the objects of your obsession. Is it any wonder?
Vital Stats
Little known BSB facts that only a BSBaholic would know!!!
The Diggity Conspiracy
You think you know everything about the BSB??? Think again.....
I Want To Stroke The Brows!!!!
Poor Kev. If it ain't one conspiracy it's another.
It ain't just a river in Africa! This area helps you deal with sensitive issues such as...the girlfriends! (GASP!!)
The Peanut Gallery
Our 2 cents worth... Our thoughts on performances, appearances... well, just about anything and everything about the boys!!
BSBA Meeting Place
Chat with fellow BSBaholics and know you are not alone. Also the place for BSBA meetings.
Ask the Nuts
An advice column sure to help you...or not! Please email us any questions or concerns you may have about your obsession!
BSB Throughout the Years
A trip down memory lane and a look at how the boys have changed over the last 6 years.... boys to men.
A refuge for us older fans.... but everyone is welcome!!!
Find A Sponsor
Find a sponsor, a penpal and even a friend. Sign the guestbook and tell us what you think!! This area is highly recommended for those who feel they need extra support.
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The Nutty Buddies
Find out all about us nuts! We're pretty normal.... kinda!!
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