The Fateful Accident...

It was the 9th of November, 1966, a "stupid bloody Tuesday". Light rain had turned into a torrential downpour when Paul was driving through swinging London that night. He was headed towards the country to spend time with friends. Although he knew he should pull over, he was determined to make it there by midnight.

Did he pick up a hitchhiker that night? Some "reports" say that he did. He saw the figure drenched in the pouring rain and couldn't help but stop to offer assistance. Better yet, the figure was a young girl. While in the car, she realized that it was none other than Beatle Paul driving. She began to scream and hug and kiss Paul, therefore distracting him from driving. He swerved off the road and (gasp!) crashed into a stone wall thus killing Paul and the hitchhiker.

Jane Asher: Is it a coincidence that she removed herself from the Beatle "scene" around late '66?


Was it after a recording session at Abbey Road studios? Paul had a spat with the other Beatles (probably because he was considered a "perfectionist" and "control freak"). He stormed out of the studio in a fury and jumped into his Aston Martin and just took off. With all that rage and all that rain not creating a really good combination, he crashed at an intersection. Since he was decapitated, people at the scene didn't recognize him, only that he was somehow familiar.

Linda Eastman: When she became Mrs. McCartney, who exactly DID she marry?

Alas, these are just two theories about how it all happened. Unanswered questions abound- How accurate are these stories? Were the two bodies in the countryside ever officially identified? Was the accident, however it happened, concealed? Well, just like Marilyn Monroe and James Dean before him, it looks like we'll never know, kids. We'll never know.

Have you heard a different story? Were you a witness? If so, e-mail the MBI. Your identity will be kept secret. However, a cash reward will not be available. Only the satisfaction of letting others know THE TRUTH, which is all we are after.

Paul should've stayed HOME

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