DASJr Movie Interview #1

Adam Lindquist

by R.J. Sadbac
January 12, 1999

Adam Lindquist, musician and college student, first met David Alan Scott Jr. on May 4, 1998. That day, Adam, his friends Kevin Hurley and Missy Barnes, David, and Mike McDonald (who was hanging out with David that day), all went to Kevin�s house in Beaver Dams. While there, they all watched a copy of �Gay Cops�, a comedic student film that David had made one year ago.
Since then, Adam has not only become a good friend of David�s, but has also played an integral part in David�s film and performance history.
For starters, the two have co-written four songs. These songs include: the theme song to David�s yet-to-be-filmed B-movie horror parody, �The Thing that Sucked from Below�; �Spending Time with You�, an Adam composition to which David provided various lines; the �Retro Man� song, intended for the film of the same name, but scrapped due to time constraints; and �Private Industry�, co-written by David via e-mail, and performed by Adam during an oral report for his college astronomy class. With the exception of �Retro Man�, Adam has performed all of these songs in public, with David doing lead vocals on the �Thing That Sucked from Below� theme.
Additionally, Adam has appeared in David�s two latest films. In the documentary �Don�t Shoot the Gay Guy: Diversity, Sexuality, and the Law� (credited under Kevin & Adam�s Wett Productions), Adam interviewed a shirtless Mike McDonald about things like homosexuality and public displays of affection. And in �Retro Man�, he played a cookie-stealing, drill-toting, broom-holding henchman who, along with Dan Birnbaum and Kevin, kidnaps a photographer played by Amelia Harnas.
Adam�s future roles in David�s films may include a professional wrestler in �Really Against the World� (a comedic parody of MTV�s �The Real World�), and a farmer in �The Thing that Sucked from Below� (the movie David tried to make in summer 1998).
While rehearsing for an upcoming performance at Corning�s Soul Full Cup coffeehouse, I talked with Adam (who was in a quite humorous mood that night) about the films of David Alan Scott Jr. During the late-night interview, Adam had his guitar on his lap, and would use it to ad-lib songs throughout the conversation.

Adam Lindquist talks about�

�meeting David, and watching �Gay Cops�:

Well, when we met David Alan Scott Jr.,
We all believed that he was gay.
He gave me a copy of this movie he called �Gay Cops�.
My mom saw it on the table and asked me why I had porn.
(stops singing)
That�s what really happened! [It was] on the desk in the dining room, and my sister was like, �Mom, why does Adam have gay porn?� [Because] a movie called �Gay Cops��just sounds like porn.
So [anyway], we met [David], and we went to Kevin�s house, and [David] showed us [his] gay movie, and we all laughed�.
[I liked] the music, when [the cops] break into the house, and it does that �Gangsta�s Paradise� song. �I loved that, and at end, when it does �I Will Always Love You�. I love those parts.
[It was] kinda weak when [Jeff Spencer] was playing the guitar and singing, because he wasn�t really singing, and he wasn�t really playing the guitar. I always find those parts in movies weak. They lack content.
�Gay Cops� was a good first movie. It made people laugh. It was a good way to start [David�s] movie-making career.

�interviewing Mike McDonald for �Don�t Shoot the Gay Guy�:

What do I think
Of [�Don�t] Shoot the Gay Guy�?
How do you shoot a queer?
I think it was way too long
And the cast wasn�t given nearly enough beer.
(stops singing)
When I asked [Mike] questions, �he took his shirt off for me. And I fell in love.
(sings, jokingly)
Oh how I love you, Mike McDonald.
Oh how I want to touch your chest
And hear how you had sex
with people in the EFA football field.
And he said there was this lady walking her dog,
but he had sex with some girl anyway.
Mike McDonald,
Mike McDonald,
Your chest is so smooth.
Mike McDonald,
Mike McDonald,
You and I could really groove.
(stops singing)
It was a great film, but I didn�t have much to do with it. I think I should have had more to do with it, but I wasn�t in the mood, and [David was] there, so [he] stole all my parts. The original idea was for Kevin and I to go around and interview people�on the street. And I was like, �Sure, I�ll go with you, Kevin�. But I wasn�t in the mood that day, and the next day, or whatever, so [Kevin and David] just did the film without me. I kind of felt left out when [they] were going around without me. �Nobody even called me. [They] were just out there doing it one day, and I just happened to come down [to Market Street], and [they] were like, �Oh, we�re doing it.� And I was like, �Oh, well, I�m being left out of this now.� But I didn�t feel like it [anyway]. �I was very depressed�and I wasn�t in the mood for anything then.

�playing a villain in �Retro Man�:

It was a lot of fun, with my friends. �I had to beat myself up, and that sucked. But aside from that, it was great.
We all went to Kevin�s house to tape a movie. �Amelia�got all dressed up in her �70�s outfit (she brought it with her). �I think it was slightly nippy outside, a bit nipply out.
And�we went out [to] that old shack of a house�[in front of] Kevin�s house [to film a fight scene]�[but] you can�t jump around in a house [that] falls down on you when you jump in it. So, we recorded [the scene] in the garage, with a nice, hard floor that wouldn�t fall down on us (which it didn�t). And that was a good idea�I think that was my idea. I think I was the one who strongly opposed recording in the [old shack], because we all know those floors aren�t safe.
And I was told to run in between them and say, �I�ve got cookies!� And I was like, �What the hell�s that supposed to mean?� �I didn�t know what the heck was going on, I [thought], �Cookies? Whatever.� �I guess�it was supposed to be funny, and I didn�t really see how it was funny, but now that [me and others] watch it, everyone laughs at the part, [and] I suppose that means it�s funny.
But yeah, that was fun. Except that�Dan kept touching Amelia�s butt and stuff. And she�d complain to me about it. She�d be like, �Why does he keep touching me?� And so�
Why do you keep touching my girlfriend, you little gay guy?
You don�t like women, so why do you touch their butt?
You never touched my butt, and I�m a guy.
And you�re gay, so I figured as much.
(stops singing)
So, I don�t know, but he kept touching Amelia�when [he and Kevin] were carrying her around [in the kidnapping scene].
And there was the great scene where [David] had to [almost] kiss my girlfriend. And you can see it in the movie, when you�re watching it, that she (because she [told] me afterwards)�thought she was getting really close to [David], and she was just wondering when the hell I was going to come in. And as you can see, before my hand comes out and grabs her [away from David] in the film, you can see that her eyes flinch open, because she�s like �What�s going on here? Where�s Adam?� She knew what was coming! But then I grabbed her [before she could kiss David], so it was all good.
�Then there was the fight scene, which was cool, because we threw stuff on the ground. Throwing things on the ground was great. �That was to make the sound effects, the great ones where you hear �ding!�, the ones that just didn�t seem to fit what was going on , but those were fun. And playing with the drill was, which was my idea. I was just looking around and [thought], �Oh, look, a drill! I think I�ll use that.� [It was] totally my idea, my creation. I think [David] gave me the go-ahead on it.
I had the stool, too. My original idea was to stand up on the stool a little more than I did, but the stool was very wobbly, and I fell off, so I decided not to. But then I got a drill, which made me happy.

�Retro Man� and the other actors in it:

I loved that guy who told us to put the girl in the car [Clay O� Dell]. He was a great guy. I don�t know who he was, but�
[I like] anything with Amelia [in it]. She�s great�she�s so talented. Like, I�m not talented, but she is talented. Because, I�m not an actor, nor�am I an aspiring actor, nor am I interested in it, but she does plays and things like that, so she likes it a lot.
I think that guy in the outtakes [Will Marcotte], the guy who puts on [David�s] glasses and says �Cookie Puss� and hangs up the phone� I think he�s really cool. I don�t know who he is, but just the way he does it, he looks pretty cool.
�The other henchmen [Tom Lang, Dylan Bennett, and Gregg Ordon], I mean� I think [Kevin, Dan, and I] were much better henchmen. I really think that we did a much better job. All they did was get beat up.
And that was�one of those long musical scenes where people just get beat up. And, I mean, I got the point the first time they all got knocked down, and they didn�t have to stand up and get knocked down four more times after that. It was good the first time. They should have stayed down.
[It�s] like, when Retro Man [David] is chasing the guy [Clay] around the playground forever-and-ever-and-ever, �it was like, �Okay, I get the point, let�s move on.� I know some people were entertained by that, but I�m not. I didn�t like the Monkees [when they] did it, and I don�t want to see it now. �I prefer content.
The chief guy [Dave Clouden]�was a good guy to play the chief. He made an excellent chief. I don�t know who he was, but he made a good chief.
Manny Walken [David Hoke]? I don�t know. Amelia thinks he was really good, but�he was just a guy with a [eyepatch] thing. I could have done that. I really could have. I could have done that better, I think. Don�t you?
The pimp [Brian J. Newark]? I act like him sometimes. Like, when Amelia�s around, I say, �What it is, what it is!� �That was a good line. It gave him more character. [So did] the laugh thing that he did, but I can�t do the laugh good. But yeah, �What it is, what it is! Cookie Puss gonna show ya where it is!� That was cool. There were a lot of good one-liners [in the film], [and] a lot of good Cookie Puss lines. He had good lines. �Retro Man� is a much better film than �Gay Cops�. It�s much more entertaining.

�what kind of movie David should do next:

If [he] were going to do another movie, [he should] do a serious drama about kids who get way over their heads with drug problems and stuff. [Like] �Trainspotting�. [Or something like] �What�s Eating Gilbert Grape�. You�ll never get respected until you do drama. Unless you just don�t want to do dramas, and then you�ll be like �South Park� creators and things like that. I think [he] should do drama. I know it�s hard, but [he�s] got to find people who are really serious about it, because you need serious actors, or else they�re going to crack up laughing.
�I don�t know what else to say.

For more of Adam, check out these sections:

* The Musical Works of DASJr has songs co-written between DASJr and Adam.
* DASJr's Photo Archive has photos of Adam with DASJr.

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