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                             Last updated January 19, 2000

Chock-full of lyrics, information and feedback, this site will (hopefully) fulfill all of
your Marilyn's Vitamins needs.

   * Marilyn's Vitamins,
       Rest In Peace *


I've been away for a month, so updates have fallen behind. But I'm back, although I suppose there won't be too much updating to do anymore. I'm planning to keep the page running of course, a band as great as the Vitamins deserves a memorial ground.

By now, I'm sure everyone knows that the Vitamins have officially ceased to exist as a band. They have broken up after five years of amazing music. The final show was held on December 28 at the "Five Years of Ductape" party.

A big thanks goes out to Simon of Ugly Pop Vinyl and Zack of Ductape Fanzine/Records, as well as to Adam Cook of the Vitamins, for their continuing support of this page and contribution of material and information. Thanks also to the fans of the Vitamins, to the people who actually listened to them and respected them, and to those that visit this page. Cheers to all.

A (fairly) complete list of MV songs, along with
all the words and some sound clips.

A guide to any and all available records and/or tapes.

A collection of misfits, possibly. But, self-titled as
"misinformed ruffians" and "deluded vagabonds",
it's a cast you won't soon forget.

Talking with them is not something that's hard to do.
They have lots to say. Of course, having said that,
I have no official interview yet. Soon. It's coming.

If you really want to see what these guys look like
then go here. Because sometimes, you just have
nowhere else to go.

And sometimes you just having nothing else to do,
and need some more mail to crowd up your inbox.
In that case, sign up for the ever-stimulating
vitamins mailing list.

What do the critics (and fans) have to say?

Because everyone is always going somewhere.
Including them.

Just in case you want to see what sort of effort
I put into this site (it's quite debatable),
you can peek at this. I don't really know why
I have one of these. Do I like recording my thoughts?

For the results of past quizzes, click here.

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Like most web pages, this one has a guestbook. It is saying "sign me...sign me...sign me..." It holds it little guestbook hands out in a plea, it's little guestbook mouth trembling, wishing to be fufilled with happiness only YOUR entry can give it...

Since JANUARY 4, 1999

The Hunger Site
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The Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal

The Net's Educational Resource Center

Sign Language Dictionary Online

Ugly Pop Vinyl

Ductape Fanzine/Records

Raw Energy

The Toronto Punk Page

The Ontario Punk Rock Show Listings

MV Online

Adbusters Magazine

Bloody Clothes

Local Punk

National Labor Committee

Thanks to AndyArt for some of the web art.

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Created December 1998 by Rachel Acheson, navyfrog@home.com
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