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IQ Test #1

IQ Test #2

Offspring IQ Hall of Fame


-Ixnay on the Hombre




Tour Dates


The Offspring WebRing

The Offspring IQ Hall of Fame

I want to view the intellectuals among

Test 1
by score: 
| 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |

Test 2
by score:
| 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |

I feel I am worthy enough to be in the Hall of Fame
and would like to submit my score.

Test #1

Name: Oded Bar-Yehuda
From: Israel
Score: 21
Comment: i want the original disk the offspring from the record company nemesis

Name: Beavis
From: Deep Space Bunghole
Score: 21
Comment: Offspring kick ass! Oh no! There is a giant turd ahead!

Name: bitchslap
From: a handprint
Score: 21
Comment: isnt my name the most buitiful thing you ever heard??????

Name: Ulf Blazejewicz
From: Denmark
Score: 21
Comment: Gee You cant run a website without knowing these things, please check out

Name: Jay "Dexter" Campobasso
From: Maine
Score: 21
Comment: I've been a hardcore fan since 92! i'm 14 years old.

Name: Christina
From: hattaway
Score: 21
Comment: uh hi

Name: Conspiracy
From: Denmark
Score: 21
Comment: Well, ya'll may think I'm lying, but I'm not!! I love Offspring, so I know pretty much everything about them!!

Name: devel
From: hell
Score: 21
Comment: nope

Name: Dexter
From: Orange County
Score: 21
Comment: well this is the real dexter. so i knew everything here anyway!! thats why i got 21!!

Name: Dog Crap
From: 666 Hell Drive
Score: 21
Comment: I RULE!!!!! I got all 21 right you pieces of s**t!! :) kick ass page... er sumfin.

Name: chris edwards
From: nj
Score: 21
Comment: awesome test

Name: EJ
From: Weare
Score: 21
Comment: The Offspring Rule

Name: Erica
From: Parker
Score: 21
Comment: The Offspring rule...but you knew that. Anyone know where Parker, Az is?

Name: Finnish bich
From: your ass
Score: 21
Comment: can someone kill the BSBmembers for me? i live so far from them! (thank god!!!)

Name: fire weiner
From: my pants
Score: 21
Comment: oeagy oseg oahsdf lkghsd kfdvcfgvgggggggSFDJSXBCHFDFCVB VGB F

Name: Chris Flood
From: Narellan
Score: 21
Comment: The Offspring Rule!!!!!

From: my home!!
Score: 21

Name: Jack Fretad
From: Minnesota
Score: 21
Comment: Offspring kick some f**king lily ass! The questions were so goddam easy!

Name: Gordon!
From: England
Score: 21
Comment: OFFSPRING F**KING RULE!!!!!!!

Name: Hermie
From: Nelson
Score: 21
Comment: The Offspring is the best band in the world. They kick f**king ass. Dexter is sooooooooooooooo hot!

Name: jackass
From: mars
Score: 21
Comment: me stupid 12 year old me got all of them right

Name: James
From: yo ass
Score: 21

Name: Janne
From: Holland
Score: 21

Name: Jenn :)
From: MA
Score: 21
Comment: I am in love with Dexter. He is the sexiest guy in the world.I have loved the Offspring for soooooooo long and I will forever.Dexter, will you marry me?

Name: Jessica
From: Paris
Score: 21
Comment: The Offspring rules and so do I!!!!!

Name: Jiz
From: Hunnington Beach
Score: 21
Comment: Offspring kik ass

Name: Lauren
From: Australia
Score: 21

Name: Lizard Queen
From: The Under World
Score: 21
Comment: Respect 2 All The Offspring Fans Out There!!! We R Wot Is Wrong With The World 2day!!! The Lizard Queen Eats, Sleeps & Lives The Offspring & Thinx That Every1 Should Do The Same!!! N E 1 Who Thinx Otherwise Should B Shot ( I Will B Happy 2 Oblige!!) Dexter 'Sex God' Holland Is So Gorg!!! Gotta Get Back In 2 My Straight Jacket & 2 My Padded Cell Now!!! Luv U 4 Eva, The Lizard Queen!!!!

Name: kristine luna
From: italy
Score: 21

Name: Marion
From: France
Score: 21
Comment: the best punk band is THE OFFSPRING ...Kill Britney, N'synk...Cause punk is not die

Name: Markus
From: Long Island, NY
Score: 21
Comment: Yeah Bitch!!!!!!!! OffSpring RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Martin
From: Asker Norway
Score: 21
Comment: Offspring RULES!!!!

Name: Michelle McFarlane
From: Melbourne, Australia
Score: 21
Comment: I only got such a high score because I did a major in Microbiology (along with 4 others.) I'm a nerd like Dexter. Sorry Bryan.

Name: Daniel Morim (Warlock_RJ)
From: Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Score: 21
Comment: This brazilian now much about Offspring, try to listen all the musics, and, a day you'll know this things that i know!! F**k you guys and OFFSPRING FOREVER......

Name: mrs coooooool
From: my mother
Score: 21
Comment: F**king good Offspring love U!!!!

Name: Joe Offspring
From: Connecticut
Score: 21
Comment: Offspring f**king rock and I am a genius and all of you suck.

Name: Patrick AKA "Dex"
From: Maryland
Score: 21
Comment: You cannot beat my intelect! muhahahahahhaa! OFFSPRING RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Rachel
From: New York
Score: 21
Comment: The Offspring RAWX!!

Name: Grim Reaper
From: Melbourne, Australia
Score: 21
Comment: I actually got 20 & 1/2, but I rounded up. HEHE Dexter and friends have the most kick ass band in the world, OFFSPRING RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Rodnnie
From: PR
Score: 21

Name: rowley
From: adelaide
Score: 21

Name: Sake
From: Holland
Score: 21
Comment: Yea maby i am dumb but the offspring says my everything so thats why I got 21well see ja

From: The 7th Layer of Heck
Score: 21
Comment: Holy crap that was easy!!!!! Offspring rulz all!! My God I love The Offspring!!! I'm gonna quote from Ignition: "I've been told that you get what u want, u just gotta give what u can, but I know for what I want it don't come as easy as that." In other words.....I worked my butt off being a committed fan, and 21 out of 21 questions is all I get basically. But what the heck. OFFSPRING RULZ ALL!!!!

Name: SaRaSiLeNt
From: uh......
Score: 21
Comment: The Offspring Kicks Ass!

Name: Shilo
From: Australia
Score: 21
Comment: Dex.... Your HOT!!!!

Name: Someone
From: Somewhere
Score: 21
Comment: Offspring 4 Ever

Name: Ryan Tierney
From: Toms River
Score: 21
Comment: Don't Try 2 Beat Me In Any Triva On The Offspring. I'd Just Make An Ass Of Urself. OFFSPRING KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: tj
From: tennessee
Score: 21

Name: Trevor
From: Abbotsford
Score: 21
Comment: you motherf**kers better believe it i've been the biggest Offspring fan for 3 years

Name: WallaWalla
From: PA
Score: 21
Comment: Oh my Lord! I kick some major butt! I love Dexter its too bad hes married but hes so friekin cute!

Name: Xantar
From: New Jersey
Score: 21
Comment: I could do that in my sleep, try getting a few other questions that could be difficult :P

Name: AdamS
From: Trenton NJ
Score: 20
Comment: cool ass quiz. i got stumped on 1 though. oh well screw it, im sure everyone else got at least one wrong too but lied

Name: Agustín Alejandro
From: Puerto Madryn
Score: 20
Comment: The Offspring Survive the Punk

Name: brandon
From: new york
Score: 20
Comment: offspring=best live band

Name: Dee Dee
From: Poland
Score: 20
Comment: Offspring is the best and f
**k the rest!!!

Name: Soph Donoghue
From: Adelaide, Australia
Score: 20
Comment: Well that was so easy. But anyway, thanx 4 giving us something 2 do. Anyway i love Offspring and Green Day, and they rule the world.

Name: Ben Dover
From: Gaysville, Mexico
Score: 20
Comment: punk rock rules

Name: Edward
From: Canada
Score: 20
Comment: This test was easy. Oh well the page rox. better than all the others. none has iq tests. I am so damn smart.

Name: Fanfunk'ntastic
From: drum heaven
Score: 20
Comment: Who the f**k knows who worked in a yogurt and muffin shop anway. WHO GIVES A S**T!!!!

Name: Scott Findley
From: A warm place called HELL
Score: 20
Comment: Make a harder test man...that was simple s**t except for the one about noodle's old band...but thatz alright...cause now i know all the s**t that is to be known....buh bye

Name: gHOnGo
From: LA
Score: 20
Comment: Offspring is the best band and they should get some sort of award or something.

Name: Kim
From: Poland
Score: 20
Comment: Offspring is the best and f**k all the rest

Name: Mike Krieger
From: Belle River, Canada
Score: 20
Comment: The test was easy, unless your a f**ked up dink. The Offspring kicks total ass. This web page is Rad! I beheaded a Spice Girl after school today. Vote Dexter for world leader! Offspring is the best band to come along since the Dead Kennedys or the all mighty Nirvana!

Name: Marta
From: Italy
Score: 20
Comment: DEX I want only you, you're like a disease. The Offspring are the best anyway.

Name: Matt
From: Georgia
Score: 20
Comment: I kicked this test's ass!!!!

Name: Tym Perilance
From: Small hick town called Klamath Falls
Score: 20
Comment: I actually got 19 and 1/2, but i rounded up. OFFSPRING RULES!!!! They are probably the best band out there. Punk rock forever!

Name: PrettyFly_77
From: NF
Score: 20
Comment: pretty cool, i really didn't know that greg had long hair...

Name: peter rimmer
From: england somewhere
Score: 20
Comment: yeah

Name: Sabrina
From: Chicago, Il
Score: 20
Comment: What can I say? Offsprings the best!!!!!!!! One day marilyn manson just might catch up to them....

Name: Senja
From: earth
Score: 20
Comment: OFFSPRING KICK ASS MAJOR!! their music is brilliant, but umm, so r their loox as well (try guess who)

Name: Seph
From: Kentucky
Score: 20
Comment: Personally, i really don't like pretty fly for a white guy... kinda reminded me too much of all the other crap you see on MTV these days... but i love Smash and Ixnay, two of the greatest albums of any artists

Name: Niklas Sirestam
From: Sweden
Score: 20

Name: the_magikal_fish
From: the_mukky_muddy_waters_in_Boise_Idaho.
Score: 20
Comment: Im 16 and have followed the Offspring since i was 9 years old in 1991. You guys kick some hard ass. Whoever made this site did a great job. If you are just finally hearing about the Offspring just because you are a "trendy asshole" (and those of us who follow the Offspring know exactly what Im talking about when i say that)-- you need to find a new band to find cause these guys are taken by those who first appreciated them.

~Live your life the way you want to, Not the way society wants you to.~
-quote by Beverly Kawai (me)

Name: Alissa
From: I Don't Remember
Score: 19
Comment: I want to marry Dexter. Too bad he already is.

Name: Amar
From: Pittsburgh BAYBEEEE
Score: 19
Comment: The Offspring kick ass!

Name: Beekay
From: nowhere
Score: 19
Comment: Offspring rules by forever and a day yyeeeaahh!!!

Name: Ben
From: The Sticks
Score: 19
Comment: ha ha, offspring rule, how could i compete with the real dexter anyway

Name: Darrelle
From: Australia
Score: 19
Comment: U go Guys

Name: Brandi Kristine Holland
From: Youngstown, OH
Score: 19
Comment: I didn't get all of them right but I came pretty damn close!

Name: Jeff
From: Alexandria, KY
Score: 19
Comment: eh...

Name: Killboy Powerhead
From: East Bumf**k New York
Score: 19
Comment: The Offspring are the best band ever!!!!!!

Name: Jami
From: Pennsylvania
Score: 19
Comment: oi!

Name: jamie
From: fargo, nd
Score: 19
Comment: just seeing what i still remembered, i haven't really been up to date on the offspring since 1996!

Name: Adam Kertis
From: Jersey
Score: 19
Comment: I am the fifth member of the offspring, However, i only play with them when they come to NJ!!
If you've got the answer, then I dont wanna know.

Name: KoRnfused
From: The Muddy Banks of the Wishkah
Score: 19
Comment: uh, Yeah! Offspring kicks ass! Uh, I now bestow upon this page the title of "Best Offspring Page." Congrats mah friend! Peace out, dudeman! L8!

Name: krone
From: east l.a.
Score: 19
Comment: the offspring rule they are my favorite band but there is one question are the offspring sell outs?but who cares i guess they kick ass

Name: mamamamam
From: mi casa
Score: 19
Comment: bueno eswto no lo van a entender pero offs´pring es lo mejor de la tierra,aguante y para siempre!

Name: marie
From: somewhere around here
Score: 19
Comment: offspring. Rock on dudes!

Name: Vanessa Roden
From: California
Score: 19
Comment: The Offspring kick ass! They are the best band in the whole f
**king world!

Name: matthew rowley
From: adelaide
Score: 19
Comment: I AM A TRUE FAN

Name: Kevin (DARBY CRASH) Snyder
From: Buffalo, NY
Score: 19
Comment: OI OI OI!!! punk rools! offspring are like the ONLY GOOD modern punk band next to vandals, and are tied for best band in the world only to be matched by the mighty MISFITS! keep it real, don't sell out, and :"your misery in life is your ecstasy in death"

Name: Somebody
From: Somewhere
Score: 19
Comment: I don't have to tell you that The Offspring rule, you should already f**kin know that!!!!!!

Name: Ryan Tierney
From: Toms River N.J.
Score: 19

Name: Tracy
From: Canada
Score: 19
Comment: I love Dexter!!!! It's too bad he's married

Name: YO
From: Cincinnati
Score: 19
Comment: If you're like the people at my school who think The Offspring only put out two CD's (Smash and Americana) than get off this web site and go listen to some Alanis Morrissete or Jay-Z. You suck.

Name: Bebuman
From: home
Score: 18
Comment: WOW!

Name: GhostMog
From: Wisconsin
Score: 18
Comment: I honestly only got 18 right...I feel like such a dumbass....

Name: Dextra Holland
From: Canada
Score: 18
Comment: The Offspring are the best punk group ever! The Offspring are the best punk group ever! The Offspring are the best punk group ever!

Name: Sarah Cocker
From: CAN, Australia
Score: 18
Comment: These questions were soooooo easy and I kicked some serious ass. Also I'm sure that the person who got the top score had all the info just near him

Name: Lin@
From: Gothenburg
Score: 18
Comment: Well hello????!!!! Dexter Holland is the most sexy guy in the whole world and of course Didrik Thott. And Dexter is sooooooooooooooooo hot!!!!!!!!! Dexter rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Rot
From: Sweden
Score: 18
Comment: The girl with the red hair in the "Pretty Fly" video is so damned beautiful!
The Offspring rules!!!

Name: Gareth Case
From: England
Score: 17
Comment: I was not sure on some but i did ok...

Name: Crystal
From: Seattle
Score: 17
Comment: Well, I thought I knew them better than that, but 17! S
**tty deal. And I don't know why all of you girls out there think Dexter is sooo hot. Cause we all know that Noodles is the real stud!

Name: Denise
From: D.C.
Score: 17
Comment: I love offspring and I can't wait for them to get to D.C. on tour. I'll be there. OFFSPRING RULES!!!!!

Name: Katie
From: Alabama
Score: 17
Comment: hmm. i wish i weren't blonde! i bet if i weren't, i would have made 21! yeah anyway. offspring kicks ass and the vid for Pretty Fly is a riot!

Name: Joanna
From: England
Score: 17
Comment: yo ppl! first:dexter you the man,you're soooo sexy! second:i cant wait to see them play.oh yea 'come out swinging' is the best song by the offspring. you have to admit(t?) those guys are f***ing fantastic!

Name: Pat
From: G
Score: 17
Comment: PUNX ROCK
Rap SUX and so do PUNk wanna bes who can only name the most popular punk rock bands

Name: rich-dogg
From: Erie pa
Score: 17
Comment: punk is not dead but tupac is

Name: Ryan
From: Pennsylvania
Score: 17
Comment: Yeahhhh!!! I got a 17. I have the same IQ as Dr. Bryan Holland!! wooohhooo!!!

Name: Jesse Smith
From: Virginia
Score: 17
Comment: these tests is got some good questions

Name: Danny W.
From: Indiana
Score: 17
Comment: The OFFSPRING RULE and so does this page, YEAH!!!

Name: J.
From: Chicago Score: 16
Comment: The Offspring Rule! They are my favorite band! Everyone else sucks!

Name: doug laura
From: binghamton new york
Score: 16
Comment: hard test(i didnt know the co writers of the songs)

Name: mnementh
From: texas
Score: 16
Comment: that was a tough test because i have the documentary cd and love the offspring

Name: Raven
From: Florida
Score: 16
Comment: I am not concentrating.

Name: T.J. Buchan
From: Columbus, Ohio
Score: 15
Comment: The Offspring is the best band there is. Nobody is better! They kick-ass!!!

Name: Debalene
From: California
Score: 15
Comment: I did good for a person in love with Offspring for about a year I love them to death and the new cd is going to kick ass.

Name: Lizard T
From: Denmark
Score: 15
Comment: Oh well this rocked anyway. Pretty cool for a blond chick!!!

Name: michelle
From: brisbane
Score: 15
Comment: man, dex is a babe! i'm proud of my score even if it's not the highest. i've loved em for two years! they kick ass, and noodles is the coolest guy around!

Name: some guy
From: sesame street
Score: 14
Comment: so i'm not an expert but i am a huge fan. offspring rules and is so much better than those bands like korn. don't ever place them in the same category as blink 182 (or any band)they're unique. And that guy that says the offspring sux cuz they left epitaph better go suck

Name: ton
From: russia
Score: 13
Comment: offspring-super RRRRRRRUUUUUULLLLLEEEEEZZZZZ!!!!!!!

Name: Dan Boissonneault
From: Agawam
Score: 12
Comment: The Offspring is awesome, I remember the first time I heard them was in 93' at my friends house on his d.j. equipment, he played Bad Habit, that song is fricken awesome.

Name: i_luv_Dex_!
From: somwhere in the uk
Score: 12
Comment: ok! i only got 12!so???im still a huugge Offspring fan. They r the coolest band in the world! they ROCK!! and Dexter is soooo fine!

Name: Julie
From: NJ
Score: 21
Comment: Alright so i only got 12 answers but what the hell the Offspring rule anyway! I love the hidden track on americana it's funny! Bad habit is the best song!

Name: PyroElf
From: Canadia
Score: 11
Comment: the offspring kik arse, but im goin to take the second test now.....  

Name: Joey Moczo
From: Motel
Score: 8
Comment: Hey Im A Gay Motel Guy and I Took a S
**t in my heater and burnt down my house that why i live in a Motel...I Burnt it down trying to cook tator tots! Hahhah!

Name: John
From: Minnesota
Score: 7
Comment: anyone that said rap is stupid eat a d**k!!!!!!!!

Name: MoTa
From: Hungary
Score: 6
Comment: Why the hell do you need to know all these things?Well I dont and I still think they're No.1!!

Name: Ike
From: None of your Buisness
Score: 5
Comment: I didn't want to take this test, but my sister made me, and I think I did purdy good. My sister created this website. She's obsessed with the offspring even though I've only heard like 1 song.

Name: amy mamajoes
From: i dont know
Score: 5
Comment: Ok I Got 5 but I'm really stupid but I really love Offspring but I only have Smash, Ixnay, and Americana, O Well but offspring rocks and they r the best band in the world

Name: Marvin L.
From: Chicago
Score: 5
Comment: I could have done better, but my dog died this morning so I couldn't concentrate.

Name: Dickhead's Annonymous
From: Australia
Score: 4
Comment: I am the ultimate knowledge master on THE OFFSPRING, my test scores have kicked all your arses, see, I am the ultimate ruler.

Name: Jack (aka Heather)
From: to hard to answer
Score: 3
Comment: Offspring rocks!!!! I only got 2 1/2~ but that's okay! I still am an Offspring GENIUS!!!!!!

Name: me
From: here
Score: 2
Comment: hail hail the lucky ones head over heals stupid dumbs
**t gone away and all the girlies say i'm pretty fly for a white guy

Name: mehrdad
From: iran-tehran
Score: 2
Comment: i love YOU

Name: Mike Rotch
From: Uranis
Score: 2
Comment: My name is Mike Rotch and im from Uranis, what the hell do you expect?

Name: Justin Stavig
From: L.A.
Score: 2
Comment: I like offspring but I don't study them like some shmucks that don't have anything else to do.

Name: cymen
From: Sofia
Score: 0
Comment: Once upon a time there was cool band named OFFSPRING. then they left EPITAPH. f
**k 'em. Now we have RANCID. Check out Life Wont Wait to see what's punk.

My little comment to the above entry: The Offspring had a good reason for leaving Epitaph. The label wasn't treating the band right. Visit
Delirium's site for the Dexter's letter reasoning their problem with Epitaph (it'll be under "Letters from Dexter").

Name: Fagget Mike
From: ???!!!!???
Score: 0
Comment: Euh.. what am I doing here... I'm Greek

Name: moi
From: I got 0 points and you think I know where I from!?
Score: 0
Comment: I'm maybe stupid but at least I know that the offspring rules

Name: Oli and Alex
Score: 0

Name: andrea romero
From: bogotá - colombia
Score: 0
Comment: the test, it´s very funny.I love the offspring, an i love dexter holland

Test #2

Name: Bad Habit
From: Melbourne, Australia
Score: 21
Comment: The Offspring f
**ken rock always have always will so if there is anyone out there who think they f**ken suck guess what you are the one who f**ken sucks!!!....THE OFFSPRING ROCK THIS WORLD!!!!!!

Name: dark templar
From: Colorado
Score: 21
Comment: test 2 was easy. the easiest offpsring quiz i've ever seen.

Name: Dex
From: Maryland
Score: 21
Comment: The offspring R THE BEST! No one, NO ONE is better! Need i say more?!?!??!?!

Name: emma
From: finland
Score: 21
Comment: if you're a true fan,this is an easy test. by the way. love you ronnie-boy!!!!BURN THE BSB!!!!!

Name: Greg
From: Orange Country
Score: 21
Comment: Yeah I'm the real Greg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love all of my fans! I love you all!!! Send me some hats!!!!!!!

Name: Brandi Kristine Holland
From: Ohio
Score: 21
Comment: The Offspring rulz!!! I want to have an orgy w/ them!

Name: Carolyn Yako Holland
From: Ohio
Score: 21
Comment: The Offspring is the best band in the world!! Dexter is sssoooo hot!!!!!!

Name: Jenn Holland
From: MA
Score: 21

Name: mrs. Holland
From: holland
Score: 21
Comment: just that the ofspring is the best punk-rockband of the whole world. dex, will you merry me. well bye now. and remember OFFSRING RULES KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Holly
From: Texas
Score: 21
Comment: I got the perfect i am just as perfect as Dexter!

Name: jordan
From: kingston
Score: 21
Comment: i'm the best

Name: just a chick
From: chickxland, hell
Score: 21
Comment: offspring is the best f*** off the rest!!!

Name: Kelly
From: New mexico
Score: 21
Comment: See, New Mexican fans do care. We like the Offspring too, so anyone who meets them tell them to get their asses down here!

Name: Lauren
From: Australia
Score: 21
Comment: I have loved the OFFSPRING since i was 10 , thats 5 years, Kick him when he's down rulz, 4eva i luv u dexter. Marry me.

Name: Lithium
From: UK
Score: 21
Comment: I'm one of the few here who actuall told the truth about their score because I am an Offspring genius

Name: me
From: fh
Score: 21
Comment: f
**k LA

Name: the most beteauful girl in holland
From: I was send from jupiter
Score: 21
Comment: the offspring is the best punk-rockband in the whole word. dexter is very hooooooooooot. to bad he's merryed already. Dexter, not that your wife is ugly but you can get better. like me. well, gotta go now. and remember. OFFSPRING RULES MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Rodnnie
From: Somewhere in the world
Score: 21
Comment: .........OFFSPRING....THE BEST....THEY RULZ!!!!!

Name: Sacha & Caitie
From: South Africa
Score: 21
Comment: That test was so f**king easy. I love you Dex its a pity you're married ouch s**t I just broke my longest nail.
We love you DEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. were only 11

Name: Smash
From: Tehran
Score: 21
Comment: .......I GOT 21 !!!! YEAH BABY !!!!! THE OFFSPRING KICK ASS !!!!! COOL TESTS !!!

Name: Suzanne
From: Oklahoma
Score: 21
Comment: Yea!!! The Offspring kick ass!!!! That was so f**king easy!!!!

Name: vera
From: it doesn't really matter
Score: 21
Comment: I love Dexter. oh and offspring rules & I wish that i'm gonna have Dexter's dubel

Name: Dee Dee
From: Poland
Score: 20
Comment: Offspring is the best of the best of the best!!! P.S.kisses for Dex

Name: e-job
From: minnesota
Score: 20
Comment: 20 you bitches...hell yeah...the offspring rule...i'm out

Name: Emilee
From: somewhere over the rainbow
Score: 20
Comment: Damn, I missed one..ahh f
**k it!!! I still love the Offspring!!!!!!! Noodles is sooooo damn hott!!!

Name: kcviper
From: new york
Score: 20
Comment: i am the ultimate offspring fan all other bands are a bunch of f**ets with instruments someone throw bsb off the empire state building ilive too far from it.

Name: Kim
From: Poland
Score: 20
Comment: OFFSPRING save the PUNK !!!!!!!!!

Name: roxane pirayesh
From: california/ Pennsylvania
Score: 20
Comment: i want to thank offspring for giving me life and this oppurtunity to love them. i have no self esteem what so ever

Name: Teresa
From: Andover, MN
Score: 20
Comment: Wow, I'm good... Offspring ROCK live man!! They are the best f**kin band dude

Name: Dexter Holland
From: dexterville
Score: 19
Comment: F
**K U! thanks for letting me get that out

Name: Jessica
From: MV, Ca
Score: 19

Name: Black_Angel
From: Thunder Bay Ontario.
Score: 18
Comment: The Offspring Rule!!!!!! You can actually listen to their whole CD and enjoy it. Go out and buy it if you don't have it, you will not be disappointed

Name: Morbid Angel
From: New Zealand
Score: 18
Comment: OFFSPRING RULE and i found the second test easier than the tha first!

Name: Grant
From: Somewhere in Canada
Score: 18
Comment: Has anyone noticed that WALLA WALLA sounds alot like MOVING UP and TOO MUCH DRAMA BY THE VANDALS?

Name: Anna
From: SB, California
Score: 17
Comment: I saw Offspring play with the Living End at the Universal. They were so awesome! I'm a huge Offspring fan, but I don't know every detail of thier lives. I think people who live through bands are lame.

Name: Colleen
From: the muddy banks of wishkash
Score: 17
Comment: offspring rule and all you little sissys out there who just like them because dexter is "hot" you are all a pile of stinky s
**t on a shingle being rained on in the summertime while a bird takes a crap in your eye. same goes if you think they inly have 3 albums (let alone 1 or 2) then you can double that insult!!!!!!!!!! there are more people in the band besides just dexter!!!!!!!!!!! aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Thomas Feely
From: The Bowels Of Hell
Score: 17
Comment: Dawn.

Name: Rachel
From: i don't really know
Score: 14
Comment: I only pay attention to what Dexter's life is all about and i got all of those right!

Name: MoTA
From: Hungary(not hungry u idiots)
Score: 12
Comment: Wow I'm (not)sogood

Name: *Offspring_Goldfish!*
From: Fishbowl land*
Score: 12
Comment: *Wow!i have theIQ of a goldfish!*.....SO???! Who was supposed to know that Noodles was a janitor at a high school?! anyway,i still think the Offspring KICK ASS!!! They r the coolest and much better than BSB who SUCK! luv the Offspring and Dexter is sooo cute!

Name: Heather
From: MI
Score: 9
Comment: Ron is soooooooo frikin hot it's not even funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go you sexy thing you!!!!

Name: Bitsy
From: here
Score: 3
Comment: At least I got 3

Name: nina
From: la
Score: 0
Comment: none

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