v1.0 created 11/13/97

[t-shirt list] \\ [poster . postcard . flat list] \\ [misc. list] \\ [joj list]
[three ton gate] \\ [what's new]
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here's the three ton gate list. currently there's only one shirt, but, well, it's a new band...


i am not selling these shirts! three ton gate is. go visit them to order. also order their debut EP "vanishing century" from there...

- black (or white,) short sleeve
- front has the three ton gate logo in white (or black,) with a picture of a man
  below, blurred, in flames.  stars surround.  says "vanishing  century" below, 
  in small caps; logo resembeles a gate.
- for a picture of this shirt, visit the official three ton gate page

list created by rev.infidel [rev_infidel@oocities.com] out of great respect for scott. (c) 1997 rev.infidel. -- do not use in any form without permission!

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