The Ex/Poly 800 Page

Poly800 Mk1 factory sounds in .wav format... zipped Ex800 sysex file... zipped some factory some not... Ex800 and Poly800 rom code for the OS. The sysex for the Ex800 is:

;; EX-800 Courtesy of JOHN SEPULVEDA
Korg EX-800 Data Dump...=F0 42 21 01 10 F7

For Cakewalk just copy that and put it in the wincake.ini with the other dump shit that looks similar. What it does is request all of the ex800's sounds. You must have a sequencer able to send this inorder to do this.


I have a mod for the Ex/Poly 800, by removing the filter cutoff trimpot (VR2) (from the big green board not the little brown board!!!!!!!) and putting a 100K audio taper pot in it's place you have a nice front panel Filter cutoff knob!!!! Drill a hole in a nice place in the front panel to put the pot. I used a big red knob on mine..... You can do the same mod with the resonance (VR5) pot also.
Sweet !!!!!!!!!!!
The other trimmers are for noise level, coarse tune, and fine tune. I did not find that any of these were useful as knobs on the front panel for me.

Now that you cheezed some mods and sounds off me go check out my band Matrix.

Matrix Home page (info on my band)
Warning: if you suck with a soldering iron, don't blame me if you fuck up you poly/ex800. Also, I am not a free tech support service, so please do not e-mail me asking how to get your sequencer to work with poly 800 and your grandma's home organ. I don't mind you asking if your going to buy copies of my band's cd though, then you will get any retarded questions answered.

Back to My home page.. (info on other synths and my band)

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