Aug 28 2009
Hey kids, here's a vid of the Ugly performing the song "Disorder" on youtube from the July 23 2009 show at the Dakota Tavern. Click here to peep it.

Plus, photographer extraordinaire, Fast Eddie, has posted some killer pics from the same gig, check 'em out on flickr by clicking here!

Jun 15 2009
OK hoodlums, if ya missed the gig at Sneaky Dees last week, there is going to be one more show before the band slinks back into the shadowy underbelly of Toronto for the rest of the summer. The gig is set to go down on Thursday July 23, 2009 at the Dakota Tavern (located at Ossington & Dundas). More info as I get it.

Jun 10 2009
Here is a short vid of the band from the June 6 2009 show at Sneaky Dees. Click here to peep it. The sound is kind of crap-tacular, but we takes what we gets.

Jun 9 2009
Hey all, if ya missed the boys on CIUT on May 31, there is a podcast of the whole show you can download right here. Check it out!

Apr 30 2009
Hey fellow hoodlums, here's the poster for the June 6 gig. Check it HERE.

Apr 19 2009
I just received word that on May 31, the Sunday before the June 6 gig at Sneaky Dee's, the band will do a live broadcast on University of Toronto radio. The band will be interviewed and play a live set on the weekly punk show "Equalize & Distort" starting at 10:00 PM. Anyone who wants to come on down and witness the festivities first hand is more than welcome. To listen live on-line, check out CIUT 89.5 FM).

Apr 13 2009
It is now official, the next chance to see The Ugly tear it up live will be Sat. June 6 2009 at Sneaky Dee's in Toronto. Also on the bill will be The Mods, and the Superstitions. Plus, spinning some old-school wax will be DJ O.P.P. of Toronto record store "Hits n' Misses". Should be a helluv a night!

Dec 21 2008
Hey kids, if ya weren't at the Horseshoe on Nov. 29, man did you ever miss a show. The Ugly were on fire. I have scads of photos and some insane video from the show. First up for your viewing pleasure are some killer photos taken by Kevin Lamb of KRL Photography and Margaret Catto, check 'em out on the photo page here!

Nov 21 2008
OK, I'm told this is it, but who knows, so we have one more version of the Pogo 30th anniversary gig poster.

Nov 11 2008
OK fellow hoodlums, here is what might be the final poster for the Last Pogo bash. ....time will tell.

Nov 6 2008
OK, we thought we were done, but here is the NEW final band line up for the Last Pogo show on Nov. 29 at the Horseshoe:
- Cardboard Brains
- Mickey Desadist (of The Forgotten Rebels)
- The Scenics
- The Mods
- Steven Leckie and The Solutions!
- The Ugly

Plus, don't forget, there will be a screening of The Last Pogo documentary, and spinning wax will be DJ O.P.P. of Toronto record store Hits n' Misses

Nov 3 2008
Hey, check out the band on CBC Radio 3.

Oct 30 2008
All right fellow hoodlums, here is the final poster for the Last Pogo bash. As well as the final band listing:
- Cardboard Brains
- Mickey Desadist (of The Forgotten Rebels)
- The Scenics
- The Mods
- Steven Leckie and The Solutions!
- The Ugly
- Gord Lewis (of Teenage Head) & Friends

Oct 27 2008
OK, there has been a change to the line up at the Last Pogo anniversary gig, mostly due to the addition of original Pogo alumni the Cardboard Brains, and wait for it.. . . Teenage Head to the bill! At this time it's not known who will be fronting the legendary band after Frankie's passing, but the Head will be there in one form or another to pay tribute to their fallen brother. So, the revised schedule / line up looks something like this:

Starting things off will be the screening of the original Last Pogo documentary at 9:00 or so, then the bands...
- Cardboard Brains
- The Scenics
- The Mods
- The Forgotten Rebels
- Steven Leckie and The Solutions!
- The Ugly
- Teenage Head

Oct 24 2008
Here is the poster and the low-down for the Last Pogo 30th anniversary gig. All shamelessly stolen from the
Last Pogo 30th Anniversary Bash at the Horseshoe Tavern, on Saturday November 29th. Ten lousy bucks gets you in, and it promises to be a great show. The Scenics (the original line-up from 1979) start the show off around nine, fresh from a Hamilton gig the night before, and after a week of recording a new album of both new and old material. Mickey DeSadist never got to play the original Last Pogo back in 1978, but he's graciously agreed to pull together the Forgotten Rebels and take the stage. Next up will be a screening of The Last Pogo, and then the second half of the show starts off with original Viletone (and Toronto's first real punk rocker) Steven Leckie unveiling a new sound with a new band, Steven Leckie and The Solutions! (the exclamation mark is part of the name, not that we're not excited anyways). Steven promises a show like you've never seen before, but don't think you'll be hearing old chestnuts like Screamin Fist or Possibilities . . . this is all new stuff. Following Leckie will be one or other of the original line-up of power-pop punkers The Mods, and Greg Dick replacing the late Mike Nightmare in The Ugly, featuring original members Steve Koch, Tony Torture and Screamin' Sam. In between the scheduled acts DJ O.P.P. of Toronto record store Hits n' Misses will be spinning vintage punk vinyl. And while organizers David Quinton and Greg Dick have things planned out in detail, you know there's always the good chance that a little anarchy will break out. Watch out for some surprise guests and drop-ins; it should be a great show. Advance tickets at the Horseshoe, Rotate This, Soundscapes, Ticketmaster and Hits n' Misses.

Oct 20 2008
Remembering Frankie Venom (Teenage Head) r.i.p. 1956 - 2008
Here is a link to a video memorial filmed at Frankie Venom's wake on Sunday, Oct. 19, 2008. After the visitation at the funeral home, many people (including our own Greg Dick) gathered for a wake at The West End for a drink and to share memories of Frankie.
Remembering Frankie - youtube link
Video by Henry Martinuk, Chernozym Video.

Oct 15 2008
The Ugly are sad to hear of the passing of their good friend Frankie Venom (Frank Kerr) of Teenage Head on Oct. 15, 2008. He will be missed.

Oct 8 2008
Hey all, vocalist Greg Dick will be doing a radio interview on Sunday Oct. 19th with Colin Brunton, director of the infamous Last Pogo documentary. Which just so happens to come out on DVD Oct 14th. This will take place at 10:00 PM ET on U of T's CIUT 89.5 FM. Don't miss it!

Sept 29 2008
There are some new pics posted (both from 2008 and 1978) in the photo & video section.

Sept 20 2008
I found this cool audio clip from CBC Radio, (from Jan. 12, 1978 no less) about Punk Rock and The Ugly, check it out. I posted the link in the photo & video section.

Sept 19 2008
Finally some press for the boys, check out the article from Hamilton's View magazine in the PRESS section.

Sept 16 2008
The Ugly are seeing some love over at the Last Pogo web page. Plus, we have some great new photos of the band from back in the day from Don Pyle.

Sept 15 2008
The Ugly just brought the house down at Club Absinthe in Hamilton, and now I have another gig to tell you about. On Nov. 29 at the legendary Horseshoe Tavern, the band will be taking part in the 30th anniversary of the "Last Pogo"! Performing this night will be:

The Ugly
The Steven Leckie Solution (Viletones)
The Forgotten Rebels
The Mods
The Scenics
& from "Hits And Misses" - DJ OPP

Plus their will be a special screening of "The Last Pogo" DVD, and some special guest MCs, don't miss it!

Sept 10 2008
Hey all, vocalist Greg Dick of the Ugly will be doing a radio interview today at 4:00 PM on 101.5 FM Mohawk College Radio in Hamilton. You can listen on line, or the old fashioned way.

Sept 4 2008
Finally we have an official photo of the reformed Ugly. Click here to peep it. The photo was taken by Patrick Klauss, and you can check out his other work at

Sept 2 2008
Hey all, there is a killer vid of the Ugly performing the song "Disorder" on youtube from the July 12 show at the Bovine. Click here to peep it.

Aug 26 2008
Hey all, here is the gig poster for the Ugly show at Club Absinthe on Sept. 13, click here to peep it.

Aug. 11 2008
Hey all, if ya missed the big reunion show at the Bovine (which was phenomenal) a second Ugly show has been officially added. It will take place on Sept. 13, 2008, in Hamilton Ontario at Club Absinthe. Support for the show will come from The Lorrainas and The Barettas! This should be a good one!

July 22 2008
Just a quick update, the Ugly gig at the Dakota is off. It seems the club got a bit scared after researching the band, and said there was no way they could play there. Oh Well.

July 8 2008
Hey all, here is the gig poster for the Ugly show at the Bovine on July 12, click here to peep it.

May 20 2008
This just in, the Ugly will play another Toronto area headline gig, this time at the legendary Queen Street den of sleaze and debauchery known as the Bovine Sex Club. This is set to go down Saturday July 12, 2008.

May 12 2008
Hello all, been a while since the last update, but I have something cool to tell ya that makes it all worth the wait. The Ugly (fronted by our own Greg Dick) will be playing a headlining gig in T.O. this September! This will be the first gig since the Last Pogo anniversary show in Dec. of 2007. The Ugly in 2008 are:

Screamin' Sam Ferrara (The Ugly / Viletones) on bass
Greg Dick (Dream Dates / Texas Dirt Fuckers) on vox
Steve Koch (Demics / Viletones) on guitar
Tony Torture (The Ugly) on drums

The band wanted to play on a 13th, and during a full moon, so the gig is set to go down on September 13th, 2008 at the Dakota Tavern (located at Ossington & Dundas).
Support for the show will come from 70s punks Tyranna and the Mods!
This will be like going back in time 30 years!

As well, the Sunday before the gig, which would be Sept. 7, the band will appear on CIUT to do an interview and a live in-studio set.... more info to come as this gets confirmed.

Jan. 8 2008
Just an update to let you know that there are some cool photos floating around the 'ol inter-tubes of Greg fronting The Ugly at the Last Pogo anniversary show at the Horseshoe in Dec. Check out Fast Eddie's site here.

Nov. 6 2007
Hey kids, just a note to let you all know that Mr. Dick's interview with legendary Toronto punks the Ugly will finally air, and it's so big, it's split into two parts. Part one airs Sunday Nov. 25, and part two will be broadcast Dec. 2. As always, same bat-time (10:00 PM), same bat-station (CIUT 89.5 FM).

Oct. 22 2007
Well it looks like our Dream Dates front man will be making another live appearance in Toronto. The date is Dec. 1 2007, the location is the legendary Horseshoe Tavern. The occasion is the celebration of the 29th anniversary of the "Last Pogo". Performing this night will be the Mods, The Existers, Cheetah Chrome of the Dead Boys, and The Ugly featuring Greg Dick (Dikky Fix) on vox, Steve Koch (Demics / Viletones) on guitar, Screamin' Sam Ferrara (Ugly / Viletones) on bass, and Cleave Anderson (Blue Rodeo / Battered Wives) on drums. Other acts to be added.

Sept. 30 2007
Hi all, just a little update to let you know that while the Dream Dates might not be too active these days, vocalist Greg Dick (Dikky Fix) still manages to show up in the oddest places securing his ties to the local punk scene. On Aug. 20, 2007, Greg was part of a CD release party for the late Keith Whittaker's (Demics) solo CD entitled "Drink To Me". The party started at Amadeu's in Toronto's Kensington Market, and later moved to Grafitti's for the actual gig. The main band for the night was the Screwed (original Blue Rodeo drummer Cleave Anderson (also of the Battered Wives), veteran bassist John Borra, the Sinisters' Saint on vocals and Demics' guitarist Steve Koch). Many others performed as well, and Greg sang a number of songs with Cleave, Steve, Iain Atkinson (Demics bassist), Screaming Sam Ferrara (Ugly), and Greg Keller (Blue Rodeo). The whole gig was well received by a star-studded punk rock crowd.

May 29 2007
OK, our boy Greg (AKA the Brian Linehan of Toronto punk) is at it again, two more Punk interview on CIUT. First up on June 10th is the Diodes! Then, Sunday July 8 2007 Greg will talk to members of the legendary "Ugly". In attendance will be Sam Ferrara (aka Sam Ugly), Tony Vincent (aka Tony Torture), and Raymi (aka Ray Gunner). As always, same bat-time (10:00 PM), same bat-station (CIUT 89.5 FM).


The Ugly are not currently on-line.
Any e-mail sent to the above address, concerning the band, is forwarded to vocalist Greg Dick and guitarist Steve Koch.


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