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    Well we did many things at camp this year, and like normal some things were good and others were not so good. It all depends on your point of view and how open to trying new things you are willing to be. 

    Normally there really wasn't a set schedule or that was what many of the campers were led to think if they had been there in previous years. The morning schedule was set though. 

7:00- Wake up time (if you were not up at 7 then Steve would wake your cabin up.

8:00- This was time for breakfast. You were always supposed to attend (Hey Steve, Birch really tried.)

9:30- Morning time alone to spend between you and god. 

10:00- small group until about 11:45

12:00- Lunch, Once again must attend (At least birch made it to this meal.)

    After that the schedule got fuzzy. Most of the campers who were there in previous years were used to having a daily schedule posted and so they were uncomfortable having a different schedule where they did not know what was happening. The rest of the day these were things that we did. We had an hour of quiet time after lunch and then free time and also swim time. Those were also set times but oh well. After that dinner was at 5:30 I think, and we also had group games, worship time and then quiet time on the beach and a few other things. If i am leaving anything out those of you who went this year email me and I'll set this straight.

    Some of the group games that were played were capture the flag, a modified version of capture the flag where there was an element of rank involved when you were caught, we had a dance, we had a talent show and we took a field trip to go see some tide pools that proved to be non-existent and also just had fun in a larger group.