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Surf N Sand is gone!!!

      For those of you who did not hear the news as of yet, the tradition of camp at the coast and the entire name "Surf N' Sand," is now gone. The High School age group camp was moved this year to Camp Adams where they also held the Chi-Rho and the JR camps this year. I will continue to post the pictures from these camps even though the camp tradition for those of us that attended Surf N' Sand has been broken. While I was younger I was always looking forward to the years that I would be able to attend camp at the beach. Personally  I feel that the beach is closer to the true Creation of God. It instills a peace and tranquility in me as well. The location that the camp used to be held at also was in the woods and that also is of nature.

     I do not know how every one else feels but I think that we should move camp back to the coast somewhere. The boys camp that was going on at the same time as our camp every year got too big and that is why we are no longer allowed there. Maybe if we switched the time of year we could go back. 

    In the mean time, every one keep in touch, let me know what you think of the new site and all the pics. Please sign the guest book so we all know that you were here. Thanks and Enjoy.

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