Guide To Myths

Updated: 5/22/2006

This guide describes where to find more information on the myths listed on the Criticism of Object Oriented Programming page. (Please wait until the entire pages are loaded, because many of these links are in the middle or end of cited page.)

  • Myth: OOP is a proven general-purpose technique

    OOP may shine in certain niches, but there is no evidence that it improves software in general in any measurable way.

    See: Research Lacking, Goals and Metrics

  • Myth: OOP models the real world better

    See: Modeling the Real World

  • Myth: OOP makes programming more visual

    Although most "serious" OO proponents don't believe this, it is commonly held among managers and new programmers, and is a big part of the reason for OOP's rapid acceptance into the marketplace in my opinion.

    See: The GUI Connection

  • Myth: OOP makes programming easier and faster

    "Easier" is too vague a claim to study. My interpretation is that one really means that OOP "better fits the way humans think", which is covered below.

    Regarding "faster", most proponents claim that rapid development comes only after "reuse" builds up, so that existing building blocks can be "snapped into place". Very few will claim that it is faster from the ground up, and may even be slower. I see nothing about OOP that makes for rapid development. Procedural components have been around and successful for quite a while, even in languages without "modern" procedural features. However, the biggest difficulty in obtaining a Lego block "snap-together" approach to software building is related to the multifaceted interactions needed in real business software. Relational techniques do this better because the connectivity and viewpoints can be "calculated" on-the-fly rather than hard-wired into code structures and rigid OO interfaces.

    See: Up-Front Modeling, Reuse Notes and Wiki Discussions, Components, Abstraction

  • Myth: OOP eliminates the "complexity" of "case" or "switch" statements

    This claim results in some of the most lengthy and heated debates I have ever been in. Some issues relate to certain syntax of certain languages, such as C's silly, archaic "break" statement. Outside of language-specific syntax, it appears to mostly be an issue of "aspect grouping". There are (at least) two dimensions involved in examples compared, and one must pick which dimension to favor at the expense of the others. In other words, there is no free lunch. Program code is pretty much a one-dimensional medium and we are trying to project two dimensions onto it. Something is going to have to be sacrificed. Further, IF or CASE statements "degenerate" better when all the typical things that go wrong with polymorphism in the real world happen. Thus, IF/CASE is often better future-proofing.

    See: Single Choice Principle, Shapes Example, Aspects

  • Myth: OOP reduces the number of places that require changing

    I have not seen any examples where OOP improves the change impact score given a typical set of realistic changes. I do find, however, that change impact examples in OOP textbooks and training materials tend to mostly show change impact examples that favor OOP, ignoring non-OO-favoring changes. In other words, there seems to be some bias in the type of examples chosen for change impact illustrations. I cannot determine whether this bias is intentional or a "copy-cat" phenomena.

    It may be that by simply making people aware of a particular problem pattern, they simply notice it more than the other tradeoffs. This is sort of analogous to a shampoo that fixes split-ends, but makes hair less shiny. If the ads keep emphasizing the splits ends, then people may pay more attention to that than the lack of shine, and visa versa.

    See: Change Patterns, Goals and Metrics, Shapes, Single Choice Principle

  • Myth: OOP increases reuse (recycling of code)

    Reuse is one of the biggest claims of OOP. However, reuse claims have mellowed over the years as reality has set in. Some OO fans don't even include it on their OO benefits list anymore.

    Some proponents have suggested that the biggest area of OO reuse is with components. However, exactly how OOP components are more "reusable" than non-OOP components has never been made clear. Some will argue that OOP components are easier to have their "implementations swapped". However, I have yet to find a common business need for swapping implementations to identical interfaces in my domain. What manager is going to authorize having two implementations of the same thing? Most examples used to illustrate swapping are either unrealistic, or outside the stated domain.

    See: Wiki Reuse Discussion and Notes, Components, The Driver Pattern, Dr. Dobb's Article - 'Such Much OO, So Little Reuse'

  • Myth: Most things fit nicely into hierarchical taxonomies

    To their credit, many experienced OOP professionals agree that heavy or deep hierarchies or taxonomies are over-hyped in many OOP training materials. However, they appear unwilling to do anything to reduce such hype. Some suggest that such are "just meant to introduce concepts only". Many new OOP programmers still keep trying to force their application models into animal-like or nature-like taxonomies because they never saw any disclaimers or warnings. OOP without lots of inheritance and hierarchies is kind of "de-clawed" anyhow, making OOP less unique.

    See: Hierarchy-Happy, Subtype Proliferation Myth, People Type Experiment

  • Myth: Sub-typing is a stable way to model differences

    The "delta rule" is that you can take an existing class and only have to specify what is different to get new variations on the same thing. Although appealing as an idea, it has numerous problems in reality. One is the "Fragile Parent Problem", where shops are too afraid to change a parent class in fear of breaking lots of children. Second, is granularity issues, where doing things like overriding only 1/3 of a method requires an interface overhaul, or results in duplicating the 2/3 that is the same. Further, the differences of multiple variations may not necessarily fit or stay in a tree-like pattern, creating duplication or mass code shuffling ("refactoring"). The real world does not change in a tree-shaped manner for the most part. At least not the one I observe.

    See: Method Granularity, Fragile Parent Problem, Hierarchy-Happy

  • Myth: Self-handling nouns are more useful than self-handling verbs

    Some OO fans believe that grouping operations by or around nouns (entities) is somehow more magical or natural than grouping by tasks, which is the traditional approach. I find grouping operations by noun rather artificial because most operations in my domain involve multiple nouns, and the nouns involved may change over time. Thus, there is usually no "one right noun" to group it by.

      actionA( noun1, noun2, noun3)   // procedural
      noun1.actionA( noun2, noun3)    // OOP
    I personally find the first approach more natural in most situations.

    See: Sentences, The Noun Shuffle, Aspects

  • Myth: Each operation has one natural "primary noun"

    OO tends to believe that there is a natural association between operations and the single "thing" that these operations operate on. It is sometimes also called "responsibility-driven design". I agree that there is sometimes a natural relationship in lower-level device-driver-like API's, but much less so at the domain (business) level. At the domain level the relationship between nouns and verbs is often shifting (dynamic) and many-to-many over the longer run. The one-to-one or one-to-many association often assumed by OO is artificial. Even if there is a simple relationship at the time of design, it may not last, resulting in a lot of code change to "upgrade" to many-to-many.

    The principles of information-hiding generally dictate that we hide specifics of implementation. If so, then the nouns used to carry out given operations should also be hidden from the interface if possible. However, OO requires one to "care" about which primary noun an operation is attached to. In many cases this is excess coupling of nouns and verbs. Example:

      system.print(x);  // unnecessary noun
      print(x);        // how it should be
      print(x, driver=system);  // optional different driver

    (See prior "self-handling" myth for related links)

  • Myth: OOP does automatic garbage-collection better

    I am not quite sure what claimers mean by this because they rarely stick around to defend their claim. However, I have heard it claimed at least twice.

    In my designs, most of the significant "instances" are in tables, and not language-specific RAM structures. Thus, most complex "garbage collection" is part of managing the database or table files (depending on the kind of database engine used). Also, garbage collection is a very language-specific issue.

    See: Memory Recovery Notes, Table Oriented Programming

  • Myth: Procedural cannot do components well

    The literature implies that OOP creates a "clean wall" between the component and the component user (reflecting some of the vocabulary of "encapsulation"). However, functions have been doing this for a long time. But, OOP proponents claim that functions don't manage state (inter-process data) very well. I have not been given enough specific examples of functions failing from the claimers to verify this. (Although some of the few problems shown were language-specific and not paradigm-specific.) Also, the use of tables as a communication and state management mechanism is under-used, especially for in-house components. Part of this is the "big iron" mentality of many current database engine vendors.

    See: Components, Translation Layers

  • Myth: OO databases can better store large, multimedia data

    See: Meyer's OOSC2, page 1051 Response

  • Myth: OODBMS are overall faster than RDBMS

    See: Meyer's OOSC2, page 1051 Response, further down.

  • Myth: OOP better hides persistence mechanisms

    OO fans often say that OOP better "wraps the persistence (data storage) mechanism". What they often mean is that it allegedly hides the database implementation so that database vendors/engines can be swapped without API change. In practice this is tough regardless of paradigm because many of the features are too different. The same interface will likely not work as-is under a new database system. It is one thing to wrap implementation, but another to wrap interfaces. The old API may assume a service or feature that the new database simply does not provide, for example.

    Further, databases are not just about persistence. Think of a database as a "state manager" (state roughly is the same as "data") or "attribute manager", and NOT a "persistence manager". If a RDBMS ran entirely in RAM, the application developer would not know the difference. If anything, RDBMS abstract (hide) the fact that disk persistence is or isn't being done. This is something that "raw" OOP has a hard time with. (Some RDBMS vendors are working on a RAM-only version of their database engines for certain kinds of needs.)

    OO is also a kind of state manager since it is customary to wrap state within classes in OOP. OO and databases tend to fight over the right to manage state. "Hiding" the state manager by re-writing one from scratch in OOP is not hiding, but simply exchanging one state manager (DB) for another (OOP code). OO fans often incorrectly call databases a "low level implementation". Good database systems are not low level, except maybe to those who do not understand how to use them effectively. Relational databases hide indexing and ad-hoc or virtual cross-referencing techniques better than most OOP, for example. And, OOP is notoriously messy or inconsistent with many-to-many relationships.

    See Also: Why Procedural/Relational, Standard Collection Features, Invoice Detail Example

  • Myth: C and Pascal are the best procedural can get

    It is a fairly common debating flaw of OO proponents to use features, or the lack of features, of specific procedural languages as alleged evidence against non-OOP paradigms. Comparisons between C and C++ are probably the most common. Many of the complaints from OOP fans against procedural seem based on the less flexible procedural languages and/or lack of skill in using some of the more modern features/techniques. Often they look more like the Luddite than me.

    See: Helpful Procedural/Relational Features

  • Myth: Only OOP offers automatic initialization

    This claim came from somebody commiting the above sin: comparing C to C++. Constructors and destructors are very similar to event-driven-programming events (which are not an OOP concept), and similar to RDBMS "triggers", such as ON INSERT, ON UPDATE, and ON DELETE triggers.

    Initializers or defaults could also be built into array or structure declarations in procedural languages. The fact that they are not found in most languages is not the fault of procedural, but of the language vendor. (Whether they are a common need or not is another issue.) OOP does not demand that constructors be present in a language anymore than procedural does. It is a feature that could be added to any paradigm. (Ironically, OOP's hype killed progress in many procedural languages.)

  • Myth: SQL is the best relational language

    I listed this myth become some have suggested that SQL can get too convoluted or is too hard to learn, and thus they argue one should consider using language-specific collections (such as arrays) and loops instead of full-blown SQL. Ironically, complaints can often be heard that "proper OO is hard to learn".

    However, I perfectly agree that SQL is far from the ideal relational language and also that existing RDBMS could use some improvements that would make software development and maintenance easier. For example, if more RDBMS provided temporary or user-definable "views", then larger SQL expressions could be simplified by being divided up into smaller SELECT statements without bothering the DBA to create a view.

    But even with its flaws, SQL is often superior than the OO practice of reinventing a database and/or query system from scratch in my opinion.

    See: Alternatives to SQL, Criticism of SQL, Table Q & A

  • Myth: OOP would have prevented more Y2K problems

    See: Response to Meyer's Y2K claims

  • Myth: OOP "does patterns" better

    The OO crowd appears more likely to view "patterns" as coding patterns, while procedural/relational (P/R) tends to view them as mostly relational, Boolean, and set-based formulas or queries. P/R also tends to view them as "virtual", "local", and/or "as-needed" (HAS-A) instead of global (IS-A). It is my opinion that the "virtual formula" approach is more change-friendly, compact, and cleaner in most cases.

    See: Procedural/Relational Patterns

  • Myth: Only OOP can "protect data"

    In practical business applications, a class is not likely to be the sole owner of any important piece of data. Thus, a class may wrap a view or be a proxy for the data, but not actually "own" the data itself. If you want a flexible protection system that is not limited to just basic nesting patterns, then ACL's (Access Control Lists) would probably be the best way to go. One could then have fine control over which module, routine, method, class, etc. had access to which user/resource. However, neither paradigm has ACL's built in, and thus cannot claim high-level protection out of the box. See Data Protection for more on this.

    Further, even if OOP achieved pure wrapping of data somehow, that approach has downsides. One is an increased need to reinvent database-like protocols/methods, bloating-up interfaces, and the other is an increased risk of needing to do the Noun Shuffle dance.

    Many of the OO protection claims can also be done on RDBMS using triggers, referential integrity, views, and stored procedures. For example an "Update trigger" can ensure that any and all new records pass a given test. Further, these apply to multiple languages using the same data, unlike most OOP.

  • Myth: Implementation changes significantly more often than interfaces

    Object oriented literature seems overly obsessed with the idea of a stable interface wrapping and hiding a turbulent, bubbling implementation. However, they actually bubble together, in my experience. In other words, significant changes in implementation are quite likely to result in significant changes to the interface also.

    I don't see anything in OOP that assists with interface change management more than other paradigms. In many cases it just seems to produce excessive layers, which require a lot of work when interfaces change because the change affects potentially each layer. (Layering is not native to just OOP, but OO fans are more likely to get carried away due to excessive "hide at all costs" indoctrination. Layering also has limitations over multi-viewpoint abstraction.)

    Some OO practices also increase the interface size beyond what is necessarily. Repeating collection-oriented operations in many classes and components instead of using existing collection engines to manage collections is an example of this. Lack of interface factoring (consolidation) is just as problematic as lack of implementation factoring. However, OOP doctrine tends to ignore the first.

    See also: Driver Pattern

  • Myth: Procedural/Relational ties field types and sizes to the code more

    See: Zip-code Example

  • Myth: Procedural cannot extend compiled portions very well

    See: Compiled Unit Separation

  • Myth: No procedural language can re-compile at the routine level

    See: Compiled Unit Separation

  • Myth: Procedural/Relational programs cannot "factor" as well

    Although "factoring" has grown to mean a lot of things, the most consistent "core" meaning is removing repetition of code or code patterns to one or fewer spots. This tends to make the code smaller and reduce the number of spots that have to be changed for any given change.

    I have yet to see any code evidence that OOP clearly reduces repetition over other paradigms in the stated domain. I have seen cases where it may trade one type of repetition for another, such as with aspect intersections, but not produce a clear net reduction.

    I have also seen cases where the OO fan has only had exposure to poor procedural programming techniques and/or languages. In other words, they often compare bad procedural/relational code to decent OOP code.

    See: Repetition Factoring, Inheritance vs. Defaults, Inheritance Code-Size Study, Interface Bloat

  • Myth: OOP models human thought better

    This claim is especially common in the older OOP literature. I don't know exactly how they come to this conclusion, unless it is subjective. I don't question that some people may indeed think better under OOP.

    See: One Mind Fits All?

  • Myth: OOP is more "modular"

    "Modular" is kind of a vague term. It often implies a Lego-like building-block structure that allows one to snap together pre-built components and/or provide divisions to better manage and think about things.

    I find that the ideal grouping of something tends to be relative to particular needs. There is usually no one ideal "global" grouping because multiple aspects are usually involved with anything non-trivial; thus, our grouping choice is usually a compromise. Factoring a significant portion of information into relational tables assists with such relativism because one can issue queries or views to bring about the desired "virtual" grouping on an ad-hoc basis.

    Further, OOP seems to lack a grouping partition size between class and application. This makes it hard for me to navigate a "sea of classes".

    See: Encapsulation, Components, Aspects

  • Myth: OOP divides up work better

    This is yet another claim that is poorly articulated. I find that dividing up the code into task units (task-based modules) does a pretty good job of dividing up development labor. Inter-task communication can often nicely be handled via table/database "messaging".

    See: P/R Business Modeling

  • Myth: OOP "hides complexity" better

    See: Abstraction

  • Myth: OOP better models spoken language

    This is a claim that I don't see often, but those who hold it seem pretty adamant about it.

    See: Modeling Sentences

  • Myth: OOP is "better abstraction"

    See: Abstraction

  • Myth: OOP reduces "coupling"

    "Coupling" is another one of those buzz-words that is sometimes waved about like a magic sword. It generally refers to things being tied together so that if one changes, it may impact the other. Not surprisingly, reducing coupling in one spot often increases it in another. Thus, measuring the total impact can get sticky. Besides, coupling is sometimes a good thing because it allows groups of things to be moved or handled as a unit instead of repetitiously handling each item by itself. Coupling is something to be managed, not gotten rid of. OO's encapsulation is even a form of coupling. (Whether encapsulation is a "good" form of coupling or not is another topic.)

    Some say that "proper OOP" will reduce coupling. My observation is that the change patterns they assume in their calculations or reasoning are not very realistic, at least not in the stated domain. They are unknowingly increasing some forms of coupling, such as coupling to assumptions of continued mutual exclusion, assumptions that one aspect will remain more important than others, and excessively tight integration to complex protocols.

  • Myth: OOP does multi-tasking better

    It is sometimes claimed that OOP can better launch and/or manage multiple processes within an application. I have not seen enough examples from the business world to fully evaluate this claim, but will point out that one can often use a database to manage communication between multiple processes. There are many features, such as transaction management, provided by most databases that can greatly reduce the amount of application code devoted to managing inter-process communication. See concurrency comment in OOSC2.

  • Myth: OOP scales better

    The claim is that OOP is better for building large systems and/or large applications. Scaling comparisons tend to be a can of worms because of the different techniques and styles in partitioning between paradigms. Also, batch, client/server, and web applications tend to have different partitioning strategies from each other. Looking at EXE size may be useful for client/server comparisons, but not for web applications which may rely mostly on a bunch of scripts and use mostly the database to communicate state between scripts instead of language structures in RAM.

    Decent procedural/relational tends to rely on the database(s) as the primary "backbone" to glue relatively independent tasks or events together, and not application code. OOP seems instead to want "one big EXE". Many of scaling failures of procedural that led some to turn to OOP were because usage of databases was not well-understood back then. Using databases reduces the need for large in-memory (application) constructs.

    Anyhow, comparing the size of the two is often comparing apples and oranges. Is three-hundred Microsoft Access applications hooked to a large database via ODBC a "large system", a bunch of "small systems", or both? (I am not promoting Microsoft tools here; just providing food for thought.)

    See: Size comment from OOSC2

  • Myth: OOP is more "event driven"

    My search for a consistent definition of "event driven" has failed to turn up anything worth repeating. Getting objects to respond to GUI events usually requires a non-trivial framework. Such frameworks can be built a number of ways in a number of paradigms.

    See: Event Tables

  • Myth: Most programmers prefer OOP

    To be fair, there are no known good surveys on developers' opinions on OOP. To complicate matters, here are some other factors that may affect any measurement or survey:

    • Many "high-level" OO gurus say that most actual production code written in OOP languages, such as Java, tends to be procedural in nature. In other words, many programmers are using OOP syntax, but not much OO beyond that without even knowing that it is not really OO (or just "OO-Lite").

    • Many programmers switched to OOP because they and/or their shop didn't know good procedural/relational techniques or used only lame procedural languages. They are comparing decent OO to bad p/r because they don't know any better. This problem is made worse by the fact that most software engineering training focuses on the OO paradigm, ignoring the others. In other words, the OOP hype is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy by smothering education in the alternatives.

    • Most programmers I know simply "go with the flow". If assembly languages came back in style, they would gladly flock to them if it increased their paychecks and/or made them more employable. They would tend to answer a survey with whatever is in style because that is where they are headed. In my observation, the choice of paradigm is mostly determined by what managers prefer, and they are more easily swayed by toy examples, clever cliches, and brochure-talk than programmers. But, programmers generally have to go along with the preferences of those who hire and fire.

    • Being popular is not necessarily the same as "being good".

    See Also: Pro-OO Debate Tactics, Paul Graham on "Being Popular"

  • Myth: OOP manages behavior better

    This is a claim that I have heard more of recently. For the most part, I find behavior and data interchangeable. One can shift the application toward a more code-centric (behavioral) design or toward a data-driven design, if you know how. I lean toward data-driven designs because data is easier to customize one's view of than code. There are more "maths", tools, and techniques to browse and manipulate data views than there are code tools. Things that don't convert smoothly to easy-to-view data include Interweaving Orthogonal Conditions. But, I don't see how OO improves these either. Subtype theory and its related polymorphic dispatching are just not powerful enough to deal with multiple dynamic dimensions without making a mess. And, "responsibility-driven design" (see above "primary noun" myth) assumes a tight one-to-one relationship between nouns and verbs that really often should be prepared for many-to-many in my observation.

    See: Code Neutering, Data Dictionaries

  • Myth: OOP gets stains out of clothing better

    This myth is still under research. It may turn out to be the only myth that is accurate. I will keep you posted.

Disclaimer About Myth Frequency

Not all myths discussed are necessarily shared by all or even most OO proponents. They are based on "common notions" found in the business and programming world as I have observed them. I am making no claims as to the frequency of beliefs in the myths. My frequency of encounter may differ from yours. I did not make these myths up, yet I still get hammered for stating them. For example, the "garbage collection" myth is often criticized as a rarely-held myth. Yet it consistently comes up about once every 6 months or so in debates and commentary. I am just the messenger. Discussing myths is not the same as "punching a straw-man", which some OO proponents claim I am doing by mentioning myths. Other popular sites talk about myths without citing the sources for all myth statements. Why am I held to a higher standard? If you do not share belief in a given myth, then simply ignore that section. I don't know why this bothers some readers so much. I get constant complaints about it. Note that some of these myths are shared by Bertrand Meyer.

OOP Criticism
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