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Introduction // Student Work // Photos


My 4th grade students were paired up with another 1st grade class at Moorsbridge Elementary. Every other week these students were able to meet in the computer lab. Each 4th grade student was paired with a 1st grade student. The 4th graders assumed the role of the teacher and were able to teach the 1st graders the lesson for the day. Fortunatly, one of these days happened while I was teaching the United States Unit. The students learned how to use Graph Club software. As a class, we were able to create our own graph relating to the products that were found in the United States. Once they learned how to do this, they were able to teach their tech buddies how to use Graph Club . The 1st graders were not studying the United States so the class and I decided to have the 1st graders collect data about their pets and then they were able to create a simple graph!


Student Work



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