
Fall-Winter 2002: Ven talks to us about the arrangement with Surfridge Studio after the loss of his PC. How has this changed the dynamic at the Tasty Joy Recording Company©? coming soon!

Spring-Summer 2001: Most of the work at the Tasty Joy Recording Company© is carried out by our friend, the Tasty Joy Recording Company© Mainframe Computer. Find out just how it feels to be a computer with an animatronic brain and look at never-before seen schematics. coming soon!

Fall-Winter 2001: We are most honored by our friends in Japan who have founded the "Tasty Joy Preservation Society," a fan club which is branching out all around the globe. Find out about the TJPS and its founder. coming soon!

Spring-Summer 2000: An interview with Kel from sugarCity. He discusses time spent in the studio the past few months, small delays, and new band members bringing a new sound and excitement to the studio. Read on!


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The Tasty Joy Recording Company ©2000-2001