
Welcome to my TempestNet! Thanks to my sponsor: All Shakespeare -- I have rotating features on the following 16 plays and sonnets! Check it out!

As You Like It
Antony and Cleopatra
Henry IV
Julius Caesar
King Lear
Merchant of Venice
Midsummer Night's Dream
Much Ado About Nothing
Romeo and Juliet
Richard III
The Tempest
Twelfth Night

Sponsored Link: Shakespeare Quotes at All Shakespeare -- featuring a compilation of more than 100 famous bardisms.

Other Henry IV Links:Check out Henry IV Summary, or Henry IV Essays, and Henry IV Quotes, at All Shakespeare.

House of Lancaster -- info here.

Another geocities page -- can be found here with info on Hamlet.

Henry IV at Enotes -- good guide.

Henry IV at About -- Shakespeare. Part of All Shakespeare network.

This Month's Henry IV Feature >>

Anarchy v Order...

As we trace the alternation of rebellion and authority, of anarchy and order, through this play, we find most often that they are ironically related. Thus Hal uses the contrast towards the two to bring himself into prominence; the King contrasts his "wild" youth with his responsible old age; Falstaff insists upon his freedom but is most happy when he is under the protection of the authority of the King and his son; Hotspur feels that only through rebellion can "order" be restored; and finally, the King, who came to power as a rebel in his own right, ends the play with the vow that "Rebellion in this land shall lose his sway."

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