This is my personal artgallery, where it's possible to find the drawings I've made during this years. All of them are realized with black and white pencils exept one with coloured pencils. I want you know that I've learned everithing as an autodidact, anyway I hope you'll like my artworks.
As you may note, all the subjects have a fantastic common matrix, infact everything deriving from the world of dream and fantasy exerts a strong fascination over myself.
An inexhaustible source of inspiration, further the stories and legends of the North europe, is also the imaginary world created by tolkien, The Middle Earth, and the novel "The Lord of the Rings".
Have a nice trip in my artgallery and enjoy yourself!

  By clicking over the little images it's possible to view a bigger one and other informations about the subject .


Knight Hospitaller, in front of the castle of Marqab, north Africa -12th age.

Black and white pencils over smooth paper,
 Cavaliere Ospitaliero Scene with a bard who rests under a birch and a curious sprite.

Black and white pencils over smooth paper,
Il bardo 


Spirits of incautious wayfarers entrapped by the evil being who live in the birch.

Black and white pencils over smooth paper,
 Spiriti nella betulla Study for the character of Goldberry.

Black and white pencils over rough paper

Study for the character of Gollum.

Black and white pencils over rough paper
 Studio per Gollum Gimli the dwarf, one of the members of the Company of the Ring.

Black and white pencils over smooth paper
 Gimli il nano

Gandalf the gray, guide of the Company of the Ring.

Coloured pencils over smooth paper
Gandalf  Nimrodel

Black and white pencils over rough paper


Coloured pencils over smouth paper

The Flyng vessel.

Coloured pencils over smouth paper


Black and white pencils over rough paper





Wayfarers since 1 / 1 / 2000