Orthodox Church Abroad, Disunited

By The Moscow Times

"Russian Orthodox Church of Thieves!"

Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2001.

The rift in the New York-based Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia over possible reunification with the Moscow Patriarchate deepened last week, after the emigrŽ church elected a new head, Metropolitan Laurus.

On Saturday, Metropolitan Vitaly -- ROCOR's 92-year-old previous leader and a staunch opponent of rapprochement with Moscow -- called off his retirement, calling the assembly that elected his successor "a council of thieves" attempting to reunite with the "false church" in Moscow.

ROCOR broke away from the Moscow Patriarchate in the 1920s over the latter's cooperation with the Soviet government. The small, conservative church, with about 300 parishes around the world, is not in communion with any other Orthodox churches. The conflict within ROCOR erupted last year, when its hierarchy made initial steps to establish dialogue with Moscow. The Council of Bishops is expected to issue a reaction this week to a "Brotherly Epistle" by Patriarch Alexy II, who called on emigrŽ bishops to put aside past differences.


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