1991 - 2001 Ten Years after the Coup. Special retrospective report

Aug 19 — They ordered tanks and troops into the capital. They isolated Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev at his seaside villa and reportedly confiscated the key to the country's awe-inspiring nuclear arsenal. . .


Putin Tightens Grip on Freedom
By Micheal Wines
June 13 — It is not an easy thing to quantify, much less to prove. But among intellectuals and advocates of a democratic Russia in the Western mode, a gnawing concern is arising that the relative freedom from state surveillance and restriction that citizens have relished in the last decade may be drawing to a close.


Stunting the Growth of Civil Society
Moscow Times Editorial
August 3 — Ever since perestroika, the problem of building a viable and vibrant civil society has been discussed, although not with the degree of energy and seriousness that the matter plainly deserves.


Don't Accept Peaches from FSB
By Anna Baidekin
Aug 9: Ingushetia —
The first time I met "Igor" he was a young and extremely finicky specialist from Moscow delegated to Ingushetia to improve the southern republic's passport regime.     The next morning, Igor was one of the four officers of the Federal Security Service who blatantly tailed me around the region. By noon, he was a counter-terrorism expert who specialized in protecting foreign correspondents from kidnapping gangs that allegedly roam in the leafy Assa Gorge. .


The New Populists in Russia
By Tatyana Filipova
August 3 — The ideologists of globalization might want to find a new public relations firm. As the street battles in Seattle, Prague, Nice, G˙teborg and Genoa over the past year and a half have demonstrated, the message of globalization is not exactly getting through. The biggest surprise of the new millennium has been the rise of an antiglobalist resistance, which is both anonymous and everywhere..


Russia's Energy Crisis: Like the Privitization in California
By Boris Kagarlitsky
August 3 — When I first wrote about the problems in California on the pages of Novaya Gazeta, readers responded with letters of disbelief. Surely this kind of thing couldn't be happening in the United States?


It's Time for the State to Police Itself
Moscow Times Editorial
Like anyone with any common sense at all, we fully support efforts to combat money-laundering and illegal capital flight. Russia’s failure to comply with the international convention against money laundering and its place on the black list of “noncooperative” countries are certainly obstacles to economic development and integration into the global economy.


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