AbyssWare's Homepage
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First of all, AbyssWare is NOT a commercial company. We are an organization, a club of game programmers, game designers, and game fanatics. Our goal is to create FreeWare games over the internet by providing a forum where anyone can get together to produce computer games. Many game players on the internet have ideas for games but can't share them with anyone or program them themselves. AbyssWare was created with them in mind. Many lone programmers are worried their games will not have much publicity because they can't compete with large game companies. AbyssWare was created with them in mind.

AbyssWare was created me, AbyssDragon, a few years ago. It was small at first, but since then it has grown tremendously. I manage the webpage and the Newsletter. Contact me with questions, comments, or AbyssWare-related material.

If you have any questions about joining, first, view the FAQ, if that doesn't answer your questions, email AbyssDragon, or click on the chat button along the side to post your question to the AbyssWare message board. There are plenty of helpful people at the AbyssWare message board, and they'll be sure to answer your questions. You can also visit us in our IRC channel on DALnet, #abyssware. Questions and comments will be recieved much more quicly if you talk to someone there.

AbyssDragon and AbyssWare are copyright (c)1996, Nick Cash
NOTE:If your browser does not support frames, I reccomend you go get Netscape, or at the very least, Microsoft Internet Explorer (which comes with Win95)....

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