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Note, this is not actually my brain, but the brain of a Zebu. You will note many similarities.

Andrew's Ogre Page
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My Macintosh Games

I wrote a couple of Macintosh games a couple of years back. Read about them, they're free if you want them.

A simple boardgame wherein a ten by ten grid is divided into four colored zones by two straight lines. Click on a point and you'll see what color that point is, click on enough and you'll be able to locate the intersection of the two lines, which is, of course, the whole point. But can you do it in consistently less than ten guesses? How about eight...

Download Zonez (25k)

The old "Hunt The Wumpus" game, but now in outer space!

Download SpaceWumpus (117k)

An arcade shoot-em up with enemies on all sides, here's the full advert...

Download WebFire (127k)

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War Games


Ogre Missles, Use Of
Why Ogre Is A Good Game...       ...on the way

Rise of the Luftwaffe

Card Frequencies      ...on the way
Fighter Specs/Rating Comparison      ...on the way
Card Play      ...on the way

Up Front!

Card Frequencies       ...on the way


Probabilities       ...on the way
New Units       ...on the way
Why New Units are silly       ...on the way


Making Large Wargame Maps
Why Card Driven Games Rock       ...on the way

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Military History

What Happened at Toulon?       ...on the way

Handicapping Military History

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Why Legos Rock       ...on the way

Lego Castle Battle       ...on the way

Adventurers       ...on the way

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Random Rants, Opinions, and Essays

The Basis of my Political Philosophy       ...on the way

Sales Tax, Shipping and Handling       ...on the way

Copyright       ...on the way

Top | My Macintosh Games | Family Portraits | Family Snapshots | My Kids Art | Andrew's One Minute Bible Handbook | Wargames | Military History | Microgames | Legos | Random Rants | Favorite Web Pages email me:

Favorite Web Pages

A family-friendly web page with something for everyone.

Anything you want to know about wargaming: reviews, erata, variants, and reviews for every wargame ever, links to mailing lists, game companies, its virtually endless.

Steve Jackson Games
I can't say enough about these people. Their games are great in design and execution; their prices are fair; customer service is spectacular. Their web page fully describes all their products and has variants, add-ons and discussion boards to boot, and there some fun stuff, too. If I ever grow up I want to be Steve Jackson, or at least win as many game design awards.

Warehouse 23
Remember the warehouse at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark? Ever wonder what the government was hiding in all the other boxes? Don't miss this.

Columbia Games
They make great games.

The Hollywood Stock Exchange
Sign up and you get $2,000,000 to invest in upcoming movies and stars! See how much play money you can make.

10 Big Myths About Copyright Explained
Aren't you tired of the uninformed discussions of copyright law on the net? Want to know what the rules really are? This is an important web page as we all start to traffic more and more in "intellectual property".

Ambrosia Software
A great Macintosh shareware game company. If I have to grow up and I can't be Steve Jackson, I want to be these guys.

I have to admit a bias, but we do make great products. Networking products for Macintosh and Windows.

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