clarkson with red
Assassin's Guild
The Rules The Game The Standings Online Registration

On 12/9, the Royal Assassin made the last kill of the game, making Henning and Solo the winners of the first game...but if you think it's really over, think again. We're registering again for the next game, starting directly after break. We'll be back to that paranoia as soon as we get back, so get ready and tell the GM that YOU ARE INTERESTED!!! For final scores, check out the The Standings and see how you ranked compared to our better players... Remember! If you participated in the first game, the points earned there will count towards the overall victory for the year!!!

The Game:

This is a game of Paranoia. The brief version: Get your enemy before he gets you. However, you don't know who is hunting you or who is out of the game or an innocent bystander.

The Full Version:

You will be randomly assigned a target in the game. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, and YOU WILL, is to successfully "assassinate" your assigned target within 2 weeks of assignment (not when you get the message). You should skillfully maneuver yourself and your target into a position where the two of you are alone. At that moment, you are to inform the other person that they are dead. The object is to have absolutely no witnesses. Then, you report your "kill" along with a brief description of the hunt back to the GM who will then randomly assign you a new target.

Once you are "killed" you are out of the Game. You may not "kill" your target -- they've gotten off scott free...for now...

Do you want to know how paranoid you should be?

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