The Game
      Chrono Trigger have been considered by many as one of the greatest RPGs created for the SNES. It was developed by SQUARESOFT  (creators of Final Fantasy RPG series, Parasite Eve, Xenogears...) and character designed by Akira Toriyama (creator of the popular anime series Dragonball and designer of the RPG series Dragon Quest...). It is said to be the last RPG created by Squaresoft for the SNES.
      The plot and the 'friendly' character designs was a great combination adding to the superb gameplay known for it's re-playability and non-linearity. It has been widely compared to Final Fantasy 3 for it's deep and amazing plot while the music and graphics are just absolutely outstanding for it's kind. Double and Triple techs from  Xenogears was first applied in this first of it's class game.
The Gameplay and Plot
       This is an epic story of a young teenager named Chrono and his friends who have been living a simple life in the Kingdom of Guardia at the year 1000A.D. when a twist of fate changed everything and made them heroes of their world. Or are they chosen by an unseen entity who created this fate? It was mentioned in one of the conversations during the game but never been fully explained...(*Hint*Hint*...sequel please...) I would like to add also that nothing more was said about the disappearance of Schala...(*hint* *hint* again)
       This is a game that consists of time traveling (explaining the title) but it is not entirely about it. It's a story that started off as a mere mistake in time triggered by a teleportation device and  has to be fixed by the main characters. Followed by the main characters accidentally going to the "future", they find their world devastated and tries to solve the mystery behind it. Ending up in becoming "time-travellers", Crono and his group should now save their world from devastation created by an alien being known as Lavos. This being came into their world from 65,000,000 B.C. and have been dormant underground ever since. It has been eating silently the energy of their world and emerged at the year of 1999A.D. destroying everything.
        So there are 5 "different worlds" to encounter in this game (65,000,000 B.C., 12000 B.C., 600 A.D., 1000 A.D., and 2300 A.D.), unlike other games which is entitled to only one ^_^. Each world tells their own story about Lavos. The most prominent time or world is 12000 A.D. which is the time humans are separated as the "Enlightened Ones" and the "EarthBound Ones". Here is where the people came to know and study Lavos for the great energy "it"  possesses. This is also where some mysteries are unveiled like why did the main characters sucked into a time portal in the first place... 
This game is widely renowned for it's deep and amazing plot which is hard to explain it all in just one page (at least I tried ^_^). 
        The stories of the main characters are deeply felt in this game. It's as if you're actually inside the game sharing their hardships and accomplishments. The great background music might have something to do with this.  Many sub characters were also shown, each one holding an important role to the plot and not just the usual "talk-to-them-and-leave" type that makes the other games seem lifeless. These sub characters are actually the basis of the whole story and not about Chrono and his group. It's their story being told and their life being changed by the main characters and Lavos. So there is not only one set of heroes here. The player learns by then the ideals and dreams of each sub characters that Crono's group encounters making him/her "grow with" the game that serves as an exciting encouragement to encounter the main "Evil" that threatens the protagonists' time or world.
       Finally, depending on the situation the player is in while defeating the main antagonist of the story , Lavos, different endings will be shown leaving the player a breath of relief that signifies that the "addiction" and all the long hours he/she spent for the game was all very well worth it.

Well,  check out also these Game Sites and Magazines below and see what they say about the game

Overall Ratings for Chrono Trigger: (10 being the best)

 Game Informer
RPG World
Unofficial World of Nintendo
(Another One)
             11 (whoa!)
Check this one out to see the
awards this game have received
Rising Sun Entertainment
Slime Arcade

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All the Chrono Trigger pictures, story and music are copyrighted by their respective owners.