Posters / Artwork
Illustrated by:
Akira Toriyama

Click here to see links to the webpages where I've accumulated these pictures...
(or simply go to Character Info Page)

Here are all the posters of Chrono Trigger available. They have already been edited by me. If you want to get the original ones then I suggest you go to the webpages where I've got them...(pls. go to the Character Pages to see the links)



Crono, Frog and Lucca confronting
Robo going berserk at the market
Crono, Marle and Frog battling an Ice monster



Crono, Robo and Ayla riding
pterodactyls on their way to Tyrano lair
The gang relaxing at Lucca's home
Crono, Frog and Lucca riding Epoch



Crono, Lucca and Frog
exploring a cave
Crono, Ayla and Robo taking
a rest in the forest
Crono and Marle in moonlight

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