<BGSOUND SRC="thelover2.mid"> Sorry, this page is no longer going to be updated. I'm starting a new page. Coming soon........Meanwhile, here's another page that i started......

Lily's Interactive page!

Hey, this is my first page, well actually, i'm just getting started!
If anyone has any suggestions, please email me.  Thanx a million!  ~ -*
Oh and don't forget to come back and visit often , cuz i'm always updating and adding stuff , k !?!

more to come......

Well, I Love music, it's my life and well , it's my life! I just love singing and anything else that has to do with music. I'm planning to minor in music :) yes, i'm minoring in that, we'll i'm not sure, i'll keep my options open for now. Oh btw, I'm a senior this year, soon to leave the nest (yes!) ~_^   My other interests.......well, next comes art, um... yes anime........and um, computers are ok, 'cept i don't know enough compared to everybody on the net creating AMAZING pages. WEll enjoy, not that there is much at the moment.



WeLL iF you'd  like to know MoRe about me. Click here.


Nicky Shrine

links page


anime page (SM)

and much much more ......

check out  my funpage ( i know it's a lame name, but oh well. Hey that rhymes! )

go to my "other" page that i played around with a while ago (on netscape composer)

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copyright (c) 2000 Lily *

::hee hee:: ~_^

created Jan. 18, 2000

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last updated 10/05/2000

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::*Fun Page*::

::~About me~::

::Sailor Lily::

::{Tea Room}::

::Sailor Moon & Anime!!!::


::~Jade Garden~::

::Nicky Wu Shrine::


::`News & Updates'::

::[Links Page]::

::Useful Utilities (for ur everyday needs)::

::Junk stuff & Misc.::

well not really junk to me!

Countdown to the Official start of the New Millenium

Hey, wanna know when's my B-day, go here for the countdown.

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