Animes I have seen

Well, this is pretty self- explanatory. In this page I'm going to put down all the animes I have seen (not a lot), rate it (by stars), and give my opinion (may vary in size!). So expect quite a few updates because I see a lot of new animes every saturday!!! So here we go!!!!

*= pretty bad
**= bad
***= average
****= good
*****= pretty darn good

Section 1: Anime I can see everyday or whenever I want- in other words- Shows that come on more than once (alright!!)-

Sailor Moon- *****

I think it's pretty obvious that I like this show (I think the homepage gave it away!). I absolutely adore this show. I first got exposed to Sailor Moon by my friends. They were making a big deal about Sailor Moon so, what the heck, I decided to see the show. My first impression... catchy theme song!! No, I really love the show (even if it is the DiC dub!). The animation is fantastic and I love the majority of the characters. The story is also great. Way to go Sailor Moon and Co.

Robotech and other series- ****

Sailor Moon exposed me to my big anime obsession. So now I wanted to see any kind of anime show that I could see in the U.S. Thus, I stumbled upon Robotech. My mom said that my brother used to watch this and I'm like "Wow! That's pretty old!". Well, it is considering I was either 1 or 2 when it was made ^_^. However, this is one really cool show. Not something I catch everyday like I do with Sailor Moon but, I catch it as often as I can. With great characters and plot, I really enjoy this show. My favorites are: In the first season: female- Lisa Hayes and male- Max Sterling. In the second season (I'll get titles up later!) my two favorites are Lt. Marie Crystal and Lt. Nova Satorie (sp? I'll try and find right way of spelling it!). There are some characters that get on my nerves (Lyn Minmei!!) and some who are bordering tolerable and annoying (Dana Sterling!). But, otherwise a great show!

Voltron- ***

Heh heh another really old show ^_^! I actually liked this show. This was my second anime I've ever seen. I actually had a major Voltron phase. It was pretty cool. I like all the characters except the Princess. I don't know why. She just bugs me! Although there was not a variety of voices, the show is pretty good. There are a lot of likeable characters and a pretty good plot to it. Overall an good show.

Dragonball Z- ****

Well now I've seen enough to say that Dragonball Z is a pretty good show. There is a lot of fighting in the show. It is really a 'boy' show. Excuse me, a shonen show!!! -_^ Anyway this a pretty cool show. There some really cool good guys and the villains are so much better. My favorite good boy is Krilin and villain would have to, hands down, be Vegeta! Anyway, this is one really awesome show.

Speed Racer- ****

The first (that I know of) anime I've seen and it's REALLY old. I really like it. I was also in a big Speed Racer phase for a while. Now I can't watch it unless I wake up at 1 in the morning (I don't think so!). It really is a great show. I love the characters. The plot is steady. There are some peak moments in the show (Racer X identity and etc.). This is definitely a classic show. I give it 2 thumbs up!

Pokemon- *****

I'm BAAAAACK! Pikachu is soooo kawaii!! My friend (whom I got hooked on Pokemon) absolutely adores the show and she's been drawing pictures of the Pokemon especially Pikachu. Anyway, I really like the show. The characters are awesome. They're not overly annoying and they don't have annoying voice!! The theme song is really catchy. When I first heard it, I thought it was so dumb. Now it's stuck in my head nearly 24-7. I absolutely adore this show. The characters are wonderful. The villains are so dumb that you can't help but like them! I've seen so many episodes. Anyway, the show is action packed and humor filled. Very few were dull. I love this show! Look out Sanrio, Pokemon is up and coming in the cute department!

Section 2: Movies that I own and can watch all the time-

Yu Yu Hakusho: The Movie- *****

I absolutely loved this movie!! I bought it on the 13th of July and it was worth the money. I didn't expect it to be so short though! I bought it because YYH captured my attention on the net for a long time. When I went to a video store at the mall, I found a place that sold some anime movies. Unfortunately for me, 99% of all the movies required a person to be 18 years or older with an i.d. to buy the video. I've even seen some of the movies. Well I bought YYH and it was great. I couldn't stop laughing at some parts. The fight scenes were great. I absolutely love the characters! The flashback with Koenma and his little 'friend' back in kindergarten was hilarious. The parts where Kuwabara would hit Koashura are absolutely hilarious. The dubbed voices weren't that bad. In fact they were pretty good, in my opinion. A must see and it is relatively kid safe!!

Yu Yu Hakusho: Poltergeist Report- *****

An early Christmas gift from my mom. We went shopping and I showed her the anime section. She seemed interested in finding Akira (she refers to it as 'the one where the kid's hand begins to look all weird'!!). Anyway I found Poltergeist Report and I have always wanted to see it except I can't buy it because it was one of those 18 and up films. So my dear mom bought it for me. Naturally I watched this movie a.s.a.p. I thought it was really good. Not all that gory so I can stomach it!! This time Kurama and Hiei have more than 10 lines combined!! The music at the end was really good. The animation was really good out. The plot was steady. I thought the villain was really good. I liked how Kurama had to deal with his past, Hiei dealing with 'brainwash' or evil side (Not a pretty picture), and Yusuke and Kuwabara trying to save the ones they love. Not as funny as the previous movie (which had me dying of laughter!) it is very serious and does have serious undertones. There is, however, some humor especially when Kuwabara was talking with Yukina. The only thing I had a problem was adapting to the new voice actors. Mainly because the first movie was a 'kiddy' or not all that serious movie while this is the more serious of the 2 movies(also due to the fact that the movies were dubbed by different corporations!). A, overall, very good movie and if you want to see Hiei's black dragon (I know the name but I can't remember how to spell it right now) here's the place to see it! If I was going to rate this movie, it would probably an equivalent to a PG-13 movie in the U.S.

Okay, minor update. Here's a link to what was supposed to be an "updated version" of all the anime shows that I can catch daily. It's been a long time since I've seen these shows, and odds are I won't update them. But, who knows? Maybe I'll come in with a review here and there because some things are too irresistible to pass up. I mean, who wouldn't slam on the Card Captors dub? Enjoy.


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