Enjoy it!

Thank you for coming.

And... these are my friends!
Yeah, I know you don't understand who the hell they are right now. If you wanna know them, go on IRC, #Japanchat!? They all are really nice and kind. (If you behave, of course. :D) Well.. now, you are in my teritory! You may have fun. (^-^)

(left : Iris, middle : Ako, right : karen)

Ako! Ilran! Remember the time we spent together in Daudu Khandi? We climbed up the roof, watched stars, talked about our future, sang songs (Whole new world from Aladdin? =P). We had some fight, mostly you guys, (I've never fought against anyone. Hahaha. Whatheba-!! =P) and forgot eventually. (^o^) None of us got good memory!! We all got brain damaged and are all retarded~ @_@). Indian accent?! Yes! I love it! Horny God! <--- (which is suppose to be Holy God!)
All my sweet memories are now in my heart. Although we are going to be apart for awhile, we shall meet sometime, somewhere on this earth (like we met in that ****** country @_@). I can never forget you!! Friends Forever. <--- Awww!! Isn't it sooo touchy??? Oh~~!! Come on~. Don't cry~. Don't miss me too much~! Oh... you don't? How nice. =P Hehehe.

Ohhhhh my~~ Goshhhh!! So cute! Hanyaaaa!! Why the hell you are Hidy's? Too sweet! Too much for him! I would die for you Hanya! Well, yeah I know. He loves you, Hanya. You are lucky you met him and he is yours. Please comfort him with your sweetness and scratch him sometime. You have to train him to respect you!! =P)

Time past. Hanya... You became so BIG! And you are so beautiful!! Cuty cuty~~. Hanya~. (^-^) I can imagine how Hidy treats hanya. Hanya, you lucky girl!!


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