Sailor Moon
American name:  Serena
Japanese Name: Usagi
Symbol: Bunny and of course the moon
Planet:  Moon
Romantic interests: Darien or Mamoru
Pets:  Luna and her kid brother Sammy
Fave colors: Pink and White

Sailor Mercury
American name:  Amy
Japanese Name: Ami
Symbol: Computers and mercury's astrological sign
Planet:  Mercury
Romantic interests: Greg
Pets:  None
Fave colors: Blue

Sailor Mars
American name:  Rae
Japanese Name: Rei
Symbol: Fire
Planet:  Mars
Romantic interests: none Per se… 
Pets:  Her birds, especially her two crows Phoebes and Delos
Fave colors: Red

Sailor Jupiter (yours truly!)
American name:  Lita
Japanese Name: Makoto
Symbol: Lightning and Rose earrings
Planet:  Jupiter
Romantic interests: Um, not just one…  ::Looks at passing guy::  "He looks just like my old boyfriend!"
Pets:  None
Fave colors: Green

Sailor Venus
American name:  Mina
Japanese Name: Minako
Symbol: Hearts
Planet:  Venus
Romantic interests: None
Pets:  Artemis
Fave colors: Orange and yellow

Tuxedo Mask
American name:  Darien
Japanese Name: Mamoru
Symbol: Roses
Planet:  Earth
Romantic interests: Serena
Pets:  None unless you count Serena
Fave colors: Black

I've only done the inner scouts here because I presently don't know that much about the outer ones. 
Soon though!
However, I do have pictures of the outer
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