Before We get into The good-byes I would just like to say that if you see a picture of any sort that you KNOW is yours (By creation or Scanning) PLEASE tell me and I'll make a credits page, right now I can only say that Sailor Moon and all Charaters associated there by are products of Naoko Takeuchi/Toei Animation

"Farewell!  Good Travels in your future.  Please look fondly upon this site and come back or tell a friend about us!  We'll update the quizzes and polls often!  Really we promise!  So there's always a chance of winning something here.  Thanks for dropping by!
Oh one last thing, before I give it over to the scouts, please sign my guest book! 
::Serena::  "Um, sorry about that little scene on the Homepage but um, I'm glad you came and don't blame Lita for it, oh, don't tell Luna either!"
::Luna:: "Don't tell Luna what?"
::Serena::  "Er, um, nothing!  It's just that I didn't want them to tell you that your um… birthday's coming up!  That's what it was!  He, he," ::Anime Sweat drop::
::Whole cast of Sailor Moon comes out::
::Chibi-Chibi, running after Diana::
View my Guestbook | Sign my Guestbook
Here's where I got my Guest book!! Visit them! =)
While you're at it visit this awesome shrine to Makoto!
Come Visit Thunder Angel!! ^.~
Finally, I'd like to thank Jupiter freak for this award:
Win your own award at Thunder Angel!  ^.~

Info   **   Pictures   **   Fun   **   Bye!   **