617 Squadron Operation Chastise

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I am preparing a set of practice missions, which I will update every week or so. Check back to see if there is anything new.

Most of the missions here are designed to be flown using the Mosquito Bomber or Fighter/Bomber. This is because it's fast, and the purpose here is to test navigation. The Mossie lets you fly a mission quickly, gaining the navigation experience without wasting time in the slower buffs.

If you do want to try these in a slower aircraft, don't forget to adjust the timings (duh!). For a B17 or B25 I suggest you use 200 mph, thus the times would be increased by 50% (ie multiply the times by 1.5).

Unless otherwise stated, the missions are designed to be flown without any wind in the arena.

1. A Simple Navigation Exercise (Offline)

This is a simple mission to bomb the port of Rotterdam. Start at F1 in the ETO, and set yourself for an air launch at 10k. Choose any of the buffs, although I recommend the B17, B25, Betty and Ju88 because of their multiple crew positions which gives the navigator a chance to look arround. For an extra challenge, take a Mossie and try to avoid using the external views.

How I flew this mission

Mission 1 Navigation Plan
(Click for Full Size)

Mission 1 Navigation Plan - Click for Full Size

  WP Notes
  W0 Fly at 120 degrees until you're over the radar SE of F1
  W1 When over the radar, turn left to 090 head for Rotterdam
  W2 Hit Rotterdam and continue on 090 until you reach the bridge East of Rotterdam
  W3 Reverse, and head at 270
  W4 Hit Rotterdam on the way back and continue over the North Sea
  W5 When you reach the coast of the UK turn right to 315 degrees, pass over the port
  W6 When you reach the end of the estuary turn left to 270 degrees and begin your descent
  W7 Land at F1

2. Introduction to Timed Runs (Offline)

When flying at very low level, or if planning turns over featureless terrain (eg water, or the farmland of central Europe) you need to know when to turn to your next heading. This is where planning gets more complex and flying the mission becomes more difficult. This simple plan is an introduction to the process. Grab any aircraft of your choice (I like the Mosquito Fighter-Bomber for this type of mission) and start on the runway at F9. Fly at 045 from F9 at 300 kts for 3 minutes 24 seconds, then turn to 090 and fly at 300 kts for 6 minutes and 24 seconds. You should find yourself very close to Rotterdam.

Mission 2 Navigation Plan

Mission 2 Navigation Plan

3. A Strike to Paris (Offline)

This mission is a strike on the oil storage facility South of Paris. Choose a Mosquito Fighter-Bomber with 35% fuel. The run to Paris is an easy one - the challenge starts when you approach the target. Can you hit the target, stay orientated and not loose track of time so that you can follow the path home?

Mission 3 Navigation Plan

Mission 3 Navigation Plan

  Waypoint Heading Speed Time to Next WP Notes
  W0 090 N/A N/A Lift from Duxford and head East. We’re flying this route on visual.
  W1 090 300 1:42 Start of timed run on crossing the UK coast.
  W2 180 300 11:36 Long run South to IP. We have three landmarks to check our progress by: enemy coast at 4:18; first river at 8:06; second river at 10:30.
  W3 225 300 4:30 Run-in to target. We should pass directly over where the Seine diverges in Paris at 1:42. If we aren’t on track we’ll know, and have to adjust quickly. The target should come up in 2:18.
  W4 270 300 3:12 This is our last timed leg. There is some latitude here, as the gap between Le Harve and Caen is reasonably wide. We’ll need all the latitude we can get, though, after the last-minute adjustments over the target.
  W5 000 N/A N/A No more timed runs are needed as home is right ahead.
  W6 355 N/A N/A Over Croydon take a slight left turn towards home.
  W7 Land None None Back to the Officers Mess for bacon and eggs.

4. Running the Gauntlet in the Rhur (Offline)

The intention here is to navigate a narrow corridor, at low level, between the acks through the Rhur industries to hit a factory. This mission will be difficult, even if your navigation is perfect.

Mission 4 Navigation Plan
(Click for Full Size)

Mission 4 Navigation Plan - Click for Full Size

  Waypoint Heading Speed Time to Next WP Notes
  W0 089 N/A N/A Lift from Duxford. No need to worry about speed yet - just get set for the timed runs to begin next leg.
  W1 089 300 15:40 A long leg, starting when we leave the UK coast behind. Intermediate points are: Enemy coast at 7:27; Town at 8:09; River at 15:17.
  W2 178 300 0:54 A short leg to set us up for the bomb run. This is criical, as a slight error in position may put us over enemy acks.
  W3 234 300 3:53 This is the run-in to the target. You should pass in and out of built-up areas rapidly. Intermediate points are: Oil Tanks at 1:37; Target (Factory) at 2:12; River at 2:31
  W4 279 300 17:29 The long run home. Intermediate points are: River at 3:06; Enemy coast at 7:07; UK coast at 13:08; Port at 14:07.

5. Brussels Pinpoint Strike on Factory (Offline)

The target here is in the center of Brussels. Identifying it will be tricky, as will avoiding harming the local population.....

Mission 5 Navigation Plan

Mission 5 Navigation Plan

  Waypoint Heading Speed Time to Next WP Notes
  W0 107 NA NA As usual, the first leg is not timed.
  W1 107 300 7:46 This leg ends when the enemy coast is reached. The leg starts with a short run over water, with an intermediate point when the UK coast is finally lft behind after 47 seconds.
  W2 146 300 3:06 Run in to target. River at 1:25, target at 2:28. You should cross a second river shortly before your turn.
  W3 270 300 9:11 Start of the run home. River at 1:10, radar to the left at 4:47 and leave the coast behind at 8:17.
  W4 334 300 7:20 Homeward bound. UK coast at 2:20, port at 4:09.

6. Lille Factory Strike (Offline)

A short, simple mission to strike the factory SW of Lille.

Mission 6 Navigation Plan

Mission 6 Navigation Plan

  Waypoint Heading Speed Time to Next WP Notes
  W0 113 NA NA The first 'orientation' leg, not timed. Make sure your speed is on the nose when you reach the UK coast.
  W1 113 300 8:17 Start the timed run when you leave the coast behind. Enemy coast in 5:50.
  W2 193 300 2:08 A leg to skirt the ack in Lille. You should cross a river after 39 seconds.
  W3 304 300 11:47 Target run, then home. Target in 1:25, enemy coast in 5:11 and UK coast in 7:54

7. Cologne Bridge Busting (Offline)

This mission should be relatively simple, as long as you don't get too high. If you do, acks will probably nail you.

Mission 7 Navigation Plan
(Click for Full Size)

Mission 7 Navigation Plan - Click for Full Size

  Waypoint Heading Speed Time to Next WP Notes
  W0 098 NA NA The usual non-timed run to set up the a/c.
  W1 098 300 9:50 Enemy coast appears in 6:05
  W2 123 300 7:07 This is the run to the target. You should cross a radar in 3:10 and reach the target in 5:57
  W3 180 300 3:53 A short leg to skirt the ack in Lille and Brussels. You cross a river after 0:43.
  W4 296 300 11:00 A relatively long, featureless leg over European farmland.
  W5 317 300 13:20 The run home. You cross the first river in 0:39, then cross the next river twice - at 2:08 and 2:43. The enemy coast is left behind in 6:52, reaching the UK in 8:05.
8. Missions Contributed By Bombom

This section contains missions contributed by Bombom (-bmbm-). Please note - these missions are unedited, and have not been checked by me.

Field in operation: F2 Duxford
Aircraft and loadout: B25J, fuel 100, 1x2000lb bomb
Set .time 05,30 for extra kicks. Repeat when necessary.

This is a rather sloppy plan beacuse of the elevation on the attack leg. The "unneccessary" hill-hopping is quite fun though. I chose to attack the bridge perpendicularly to get a "dam" feeling to it ;-)

  Waypoint Heading Speed Time Notes
  W0 045 NA NA Takeoff
  W1 045 200 1:30
  W2 090 250 4:30 RDF station to port at 2:00, pass city of Norwich, turn when feet wet
  W3 180 250 7:30 Waypoint is first RDF station
  W4 119 250 7:00 Pass RDF station at 3:30, next RDF station is waypoint
  W5 090 250 10:00 When level with RDF station on hill to starboard, you are 30 seconds from waypoint.
  W6 000 250 5:00 Target bridge pops into view as you clear the hill. Waypoint is RDF on hill.
  W7 298 250 12:30 Pass between bridges (strafe vehicles if any), and due port of RDF station. Waypoint is feet wet +3:00.
  W8 270 250 9:00 Return via Norwich. Don't forget to wave to the old gal.
  W9 235 200 1:30 Land at Duxford.
Here's another fun ride, and instructive WRT to useful landmarks:

Field in operation: F1 Debden
Aircraft and loadout: DH98 MkVI, fuel 50, 4x500lb bomb

  Waypoint Heading Speed Time Notes
  W0 030 NA NA Takeoff
  W1 088 330 10:00 RDF is waypoint. Amsterdam port on your left, Rotterdam on your right.
  W2 091 330 6:30 RDF is waypoint.
  W3 097 330 6:30 You will have a RDF station at your 2 o'clock at the waypoint. Pass it with a mile to spare.
  W4 126 300 4:30 Salvo 2 bombs at each factory. Final target is Waypoint.
  W5 180 330 2:30  
  W6 270 330 12:30 Several sights well to port along the leg. Pass bridge on port beam.
  W7 144 330 7:00 Sneak between Eindhoven drome and Nijmegen bridge. Waypoint is RDF.
  W8 265 330 7:30 Turn feet dry
  W9 272 300 1:30 Land at Debden