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Everything that you have ever wanted to know about TimeSplitters for PlayStation 2 is right here at your fingertips.




In the hundred years spanning the millennium (1935 - 2035), a disparate bunch of heroes and villains battle against their own challenges. Although each is unaware of the others, they all share an ageless common spirit of adventure - but unknown to them, their daring actions have attracted the attention of the TimeSplitters.

The TimeSplitters - an evil race dwelling outside of time and space. For eons they have manipulated the fate of humanity for their own malign ends - with cursed shards of crystal they have sown fear, greed and conflict throughout history.

Now, roused from an ancient sleep, the TimeSplitters cross the threshold from their shadowy dimension - ripping through the fabric of time itself to confront our heroes.

Can our heroes unite against a common enemy to realize a greater destiny?

Or will humanity be consigned forever to a realm ruled under the shadow of the TIMESPLITTERS?




TimeSplitters was one of the first games exclusively available for the PlayStation 2 when it launched back in October 2000.  Developed by Free Radical Design and published by Eidos Interactive, TimeSplitters became an instant hit. 

Although it lacked extremely in the single-player department, the 24 levels playable on three difficulty levels, unlocked many of the games hidden features.  The missions became extremely repetitious and overused, get in, get the item, get outta there all the while shooting everything in between. 

However, TimeSplitters made up for that in it's extremely fast paced multi-player action.  With over 55 characters and over 20 different weapons, you can unleash mass destruction with up to four other players and up to 12 bots in either a preset death match arena or one that you built yourself.  That's right, you can build your own custom levels from scratch.  You choose the rooms, the lighting, placement of weapons, starting locations, health, armor, EVERYTHING. 

With all of these spectacular features and secrets, the game allowed for a nearly endless amount of gameplay with such high replayability. 

Rated Teen for animated violence.




  • Nominated by EGM for PS2 Game of the Year

  • Nominated by EGM for PS2 Action Game of the Year

  • Nominated by EGM for PS2 Multi-player Game of the Year






TimeSplitters 2 Has Been Released!!!
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Multi-Player Mayhem Supreme.
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TimeSplitters 2 Online.
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  • "TimeSplitters" and "Free Radical" logos are trademarks of Free Radical Design.  © 2000 Free Radical Design.

  • "Eidos Interactive" and the "Eidos Interactive" logo are all registered trademarks of the Eidos group of companies.  © 2000 Eidos Interactive.

  • TSControl, TimboCo logos are trademarks of TimboCo.  © 2002 TimboCo.

  • "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.  © 2002 SCEA.

  • "Xbox" and the "Xbox" logos are either registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the US and /or other countries.  © 2002 Microsoft.

  • "Nintendo" and the "Nintendo GameCube" Logo are registered trademarks of Nintendo.  © 2002 Nintendo.

Last Updated: Thursday October 19, 2003 02:55