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08/11/02 - Multiplayer Mayhem Supreme

     Those of you who have had the honor of experiencing a multi-player death match in TimeSplitters have only just begun to experience the full glory of Free Radical's talent.  When you hear what they have in store for us in TS2's multi-player mode, you won't be able to sleep tonight! or any other night until you get your copy this September!

     On to the good stuff!  Lets start with all the different modes of multi-player.  Death match, Capture the Bag and Bag Tag return from the past, with new modes such as Assault, Possession, Flame Tag (they get weirder), Virus, Ogre, and (Buffy fans, pay attention!) Vampire.  The list continues, and unfortunately no more details exist in that department.  Lesson 2: Characters,  no list of names or descriptions, but I can tell you that there are over 80 to choose from!  Each with their own personal advantages and disadvantages.  Things like being bigger or smaller makes you slower or faster, or (weirder again) more or less flammable than someone else.  Finally as an even stranger (if this could get anymore) statement made by director David Doak, "At intervals [during a multiplayer game] the weakest player [or the one with the lowest health] is sporadically assisted by a bunch of gun-toting monkey fanatics, they port in, kick ass, beat their little monkey chests, and skedaddle. kind of like your own little pocket monkey cavalry."  Breather time! Remember to breath! deeeeeeeply.
     Okay, now that you've had a breather, you should be ready for the last bit of news.  The MapMaker feature allows the designer to create their own multi-player and single-player levels!  yes, single-player!  Like in TimeSplitters, you choose from preset tiles and add guns and lighting, but now you can include teleporters, non-playable characters and add your own storyline all as the level you're making is constructed in real-time! Right in-front of you're eyes!

     Until more news comes, TimeSplitters will return...

07/17/02 - TimeSplitters 2 Online

     More information about TimeSplitters 2 has just broken through via Official PlayStation Magazine.  TimeSplitters 2 is going online! or Live! or something, depending on whatever system you own.  According to OPM, every time Free Radical was questioned about featuring online play, they wouldn't comment until now.  It also is probably one of the reasons for the release dates being pushed further and further ahead (the other reason is probably the plans for it to be developed for all three next-gen consoles).

     Online will allow you to, if you want, duke it out between friends or foes across the globe!  As with most other online games it will also be playable offline in [the enhanced] single-player mode, but unlike other games it will retain the souped-up MapMaker feature.  As for more information on the multi-player and online parts of the game, stay tuned for more!

     Until more news comes, TimeSplitters will return...

06/25/02 - Electronic Entertainment Expo 2002

     With all of this years buzz of E-3 2002 (the Electronic Entertainment Exposition 2002) drifting into past, and the long list of new and up-coming games for the rest of this year and early into the first quarter of 2003, the internet has been sparsely littered throughout the gaming side of things with information of a September 2002 release date for TimeSplitters 2.

     On the up side of things, IGN has given TS2 a best of E3 show.  And it's release in September is now only about three months away!

     On the down side, lately there has been a lack of information and fan support for TimeSplitters 2.  All of you fans out there need to make yourselves known, and fill up those slots in the TimeSplitters and TimeSplitters 2 forums and chat rooms!  Come on I know that there are fans out there!  I'll make you a deal, I'll bring you the news and all the other new information about the games and you let the world know that you want more TimeSplitters!!

     I have posted 51 new TimeSplitters screen shots, check them out by clicking the link below.

     Until more news comes, TimeSplitters will return...

TimeSplitters 2 Screen Shots | IGN.com

04/15/02 - New TimeSplitters 2 Screen Shots

     I have posted 18 new screen shots on the TimeSplitters 2 screens page.  That should satisfy your TS2 needs for about 0.006 seconds, or if you're me, about 0.00001 seconds.  As the world anxiously awaits this awesome sequel to the best PS2 FPS ever, the suspense continues to grow.  The release date continues to be pushed, first it was Spring 2002, then Summer, now Fall is the expected time of release.  On top of all that, there's now talk of it moving from being a PS2 exclusive, to the GameCube and Xbox. 

     Until more news comes, TimeSplitters will return...  Oh, any links of importance to a particular article will be posted below it.

TimeSplitters 2 Screen Shots

03/--/02 - Article From Xbox Nation Magazine

     The latest issue exclusively reveals that Eidos' upcoming first-person shooter TimeSplitters 2 is headed for the Xbox.  According to the issue, an Xbox version of the game is now being constructed alongside the PS2 version. 

     But things don't stop there. An insider from Eidos has revealed to us that the title is also on the way to the GameCube. Apparently, TimeSplitters 2 will now launch on all three platforms in the same time frame, which we now hear is early fall.  Now all console players will have the chance to check out the new project from the makers of GoldenEye and Perfect Dark. Cool, huh?

03/--/02 - Article From GamePro Magazine

     Time-hopping FPS action is coming your way again in Eidos's TimeSplitters 2.  Creatures from another dimension are monkeying with our timeline again, and it will be up to you to stop them by taking control of characters from throughout time.  Whereas last year's single-player game was simply training training for multiplayer mode, this year's will engage you in it's story and goals -- or at least that's what developer Free Radical Design hopes.

     Free Radical includes several people who worked on Rare's GoldenEye 007, and the preview version of TimeSplitters 2 had a palpable Bond feel, down to the way you reloaded weapons and interacted with objects.  The single-player demo even took place in and around a dam in Russia -- 007 vets will understand why that's significant. You'll see GoldenEye's influence in spades in TimeSplitter 2's single-player mode, which is definitely a good thing.

     If Free Radical can make good on it's promise of a rich single-player game, you'll have another reason to go back in time.

03/14/02 - TimeSplitters 2... Releasing When?

     As a follow-up to the last three entries, the spring release for 2002 has obviously been dropped.  No future release date has been set.

03/--/02 - Article From Electronic Gaming Monthly Magazine

     All the exploding crates, monkeys and Play-Dohy enemies you could want are in the demo we saw of Eidos' shooter sequel, which is due out this spring.  The game's opening sequence and gameplay reminded us a lot of N64's GoldenEye, which could be a plus.  And even though TS2 looks plain, it runs smoothly on the PS2.  Developer Free Radical is focusing heavily on the single-player game after TS1's mediocre solo offering.

02/--/02 - Article From Official PlayStation Magazine

     A tantalizing glimpse of a surefire hit.  As soon as the [demo] disc came in, work ground to a halt as everyone crowded around to see what improvements Free Radical had made to an already exceptional game.  And so far things look promising.  While the original game barely strayed from the Doom formula of shooting everything that moves and getting to an exit, but this time you'll find a wide variety of mission objectives that can compromise some fairly involving tasks.

     But don't think this means they'll be shortcutting us in the areas in which the original excelled.  We're told to expect an even deeper and versatile level-builder tool, and multiplayer modes as robust as in the original.  Remember, we're talking about former members of Rare -- the folks who made GoldenEye and Perfect Dark for N64.  Trust us, they know what they're doing.

     Last we heard, Eidos was still planning on releasing this one this spring, but we're happy to wait as long as it takes to get our 16-player i-Link deathmatch on.

01/--/02 - Article From Electronic Gaming Monthly Magazine

     The first TimeSplitters sported some nifty multiplayer action, but it's sorely lacking single-player mode left all of us disappointed.  With TimeSplitters, Free Radical Design aims to bring both style and substance to this promising fast-paced title.  That means more mission goals tied together with a story, and characters we'll actually give a damn about this time.  Eidos is planning a spring 2002 release for TS2.




TimeSplitters 2 Has Been Released!!!
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Multi-Player Mayhem Supreme.
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TimeSplitters 2 Online.
[read more]


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  • "TimeSplitters" and "Free Radical" logos are trademarks of Free Radical Design.  © 2000 Free Radical Design.

  • "Eidos Interactive" and the "Eidos Interactive" logo are all registered trademarks of the Eidos group of companies.  © 2000 Eidos Interactive.

  • TSControl, TimboCo logos are trademarks of TimboCo.  © 2002 TimboCo.

  • "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.  © 2002 SCEA.

  • "Xbox" and the "Xbox" logos are either registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the US and /or other countries.  © 2002 Microsoft.

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Last Updated: Thursday June 19, 2003 02:55