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Grass Roots League 2006/2007

Last Up Date:- 08th March 2007


Hay guys,

Can all captains please send me your own and vice captains most frequency check email addresses and mobile phone numbers. (I will compile a list of all the numbers and emails and send an email with all the details to captains and vice captains). Please think about new captains and vice for next season.

The executive decision was made to end the league without playing the last scheduled games. This was due to the league already being decided and the only outcome of playing the last matches would be to see how close Paft were to Tech Soc and to see who came 4th and 5th out of Islam and Civil. As this may have been important for Islam and Civil the league cup seems to offer a bit more fun.

At the start of the matches can you please get a team photo so I can pop it on the website, if you don't have a camera can you please come and see me and I will take a photo of you all.

Can all teams please bring enough money to pay for the pitches as if you go through you will need to pay for it, if you don't go through then it will count as your match paid in advance. Can all teams please settle monies owed to me as well as it comes out of my personal bank account so it could be a bit painful for me not to be paid over Easter. I will be giving out cheques to teams who have not gone through.

If your team is knocked out that is it for the season. I did not book any other pitches apart from cup fixtures as I anticipated a low turn out from teams who would be playing in friendlies.

However can teams please try and make an effort to come and see the final, even the last 10 minutes or so would be good, to give the occasion a bit more to it and for presentation of league cup, league and golden boot awards (I need to go and buy the things this weekend). I know it will be hard to get ppl who have a stack of hw / cw to do but we could all head off to Camden for a drink afterwards and everyone needs to relax sometime.

In reviewing the goal scored in the friendlies against Chemistry and China will not be counting them towards the golden boot award.

I have deemed it unfair to include these as not all the teams played in such a game and in addition some games were played with mixed teams. The shear number of goals in the Tech Soc vs. Chemistry game was to painful to tabulate, however if you have any grievances I will put the information on the website after all competitions have been finished if I receive an email.

I have also decided that no goals in the league cup will count towards the golden boot award but will be mentioned in a separate table, money depending there maybe a small award for the league cup highest goal scorer but this will be decided once I buy the other trophies (i.e. this weekend).


Dave Anthony


Information on the league

Please let me know if your team cannot make any of the dates

Can all captains please let me know the result of fixtures and the goal scorers, preferably by email on Wednesdays.

If for any reason you need to contact me please send me an email. If it is important please call me as I do not check this email account daily. The captains should all have my mobile number and other league captains numbers via the email sent around at the start of the season.

Please click for Information on the league 2006/2007


Match Fixtures

14th Wednesday 2007 March
Semi Final

Tech Soc vs. Islam
Abacus vs. Paft

If the teams are at a deadlock after the 90 minutes, 30 minutes extra time will be played. If there is still no winner then it will be determined by a penalty shoot out best of 5 then sudden death.

21st Wednesday 2007 March (last week of term)
Final inc. golden boot and league and league cup prizes

Winners match one vs. Winners match two

If the teams are at a deadlock after the 90 minutes, 30 minutes extra time will be played. If there is still no winner then it will be determined by a penalty shoot out best of 5 then sudden death.

Please come and support teams playing in the final, hopefully we can all go out after the match and have a bit of a social in Camden afterwards.



  Paft Civil Eng Abacus Korea Islam Tech Soc
Paft   8 - 3 0 - 3 3 - 0 5 - 1 2 - 2
Civil Eng 2 - 4   3 - 3 2 - 1 1 - 8 0 - 3
Abacus 3 - 2  3 - 4   3 - 0 0 - 0 1 - 4
Korea 1 - 3 0 - 3 0 -3   3 - 6 0 - 3
Islam 0 - 7   ? - ? 3 - 0   2 - 4
Tech Soc   2 - 2 6 - 3 7 - 2 8 - 3  

Blue results represent technical wins from Korea's exit from the league.


League Table

  Played Won Lost Drawn For Against Goal Difference Points
Tech Soc 9 7 0 2 39 15 24 23
Paft 9 6 2 1 34 15 19 19
Abacus 9 4 3 2 22 19 3 14
Civil Eng 9 3 4 2 20 32 -12 11
Islam 8 3 4 1 23 28 -5 10
Korea 10 0 10 0 7 36 -29 0

With regards to the league and Korea games for the second half of the league will all count as 3 - 0 losses to Korea. This should not affect the league standings as every team beat them in the first round of the league so all of the points are being scaled up equally.

Islam and Abacus game has been played confirmation of the result has been requested.


Friendly Games

Islam vs. Chemistry
5 - 0
Chemistry vs. Tech Soc
0 - 15
China vs. Civil Engineers
? - ?


League Goal Scorers Table

Goals Goal Scorer Team
15 Ibrahim Murphy Tech Soc
7 Phil Paft
7 Reduane Zidouk Tech Soc
4 Tariq Haque Islam
4 Kass Paft
4 Kena Tech Soc
3 Kadar Civil
3 Saad  Farooq Islam
3 Wahili Islam
3 Ermal Paft
3 Kish Paft
2 Sam Hung Civil
2 Aleem Javaid Islam
2 Fikret Ulug Islam
2 Humza Rehman Islam
2 J W Kim Korea
2 Steve L Paft
2 Andrew Birtles Tech Soc
2 Ed Carter Tech Soc
1 Jamil Abacus
1 Dimitrius Civil
1 Edar Civil
1 Ehi Civil
1 Hitten Civil
1 Jaf Civil
1 Lock Civil
1 Rich Civil
1 Muazzam Ali Islam
1 Daniel Korea
1 H J Park Korea
1 S H Lee Korea
1 Y M Lee Korea
1 Adrian Paft
1 Jaf Paft
1 Kieran Paft
1 Moussa Paft
1 Pat Parker Paft
1 Andrew Tech Soc
1 Eshan Mohabeer Tech Soc
1 Gavin Tech Soc
1 Lucian Strinati  Tech Soc
1 Miguel Marin Tech Soc
1 Mo Tech Soc
1 Slav Tech Soc
2 Civil Civil
6 Paft Paft
3 Islam Islam
18 Abacus Abacus
1 Own Goal Tech Soc
1 Own Goal Korea
1 Own Goal Abacus
1 OG Omair A Islam
3 Default Civil
3 Default Islam
3 Default Paft
3 Default Tech Soc
3 Default Abacus


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