Sammy's Corner

Hi , Sam-I-Am here. Got a hug? Want one? Big gentle hugs are my specialty. I'm not much into playing with toys, but I love a good belly-rub...who doesn't?! I do enjoy a nice fresh bone or some beef-basted rawhide....Mom gives me them sometimes and the vet says I have bee-yoo-tee-ful teeth.

This is me and my mom...I love her a lot.

I spend most of my time, when the weather is nice, out in my nice big backyard with my little friend Buster. He's lots of fun and even though he's just a little guy on short, stubby legs he thinks he's ten feet tall. I like to get him to chase me. Round and round the yard we go, and after a few times I let him catch me. He's so funny... he leaps all over me making these vicious sounding growl-y noises and bites all over my face. I pretend he's a match for me and we roll around in the grass for awhile before the chase begins again. Buster's a real pal. We lost our friend Dixie last summer and so it's nice to have each other for company. Dixie and I used to live in the yard just about all the time, but now I'm a bone-a-fide [ouch!] house dog.

Meet my Mom~Zookeeper, Gardener and Chief-Woman-In-Charge Mom found me one day about seven years ago when she was living in southwest Louisiana. I appeared one morning on her front walkway, all covered with burrs from the fields around her house. I was a very good boy and let her cut the burrs out of my beautiful red fur. After awhile, Mom took me to her vet (I was a very good boy then, too!), and the vet said I had heartworm. Treatment for that can be iffy, but I came through it with flying colors. I've been part of Mom's family ever since, and I'm very protective of her. She loves me a lot. Nobody really knows how old I am, not even me. Mom says she thinks I'm eight or nine.

Buster and I have a new little brother, Patch. We adopted him not too long ago but he's already made himself right at home. We like chasing each other around the house and pretending to let Patch box with us. Here we are chilling out together.

Visit my friends Sueski and Cheyenne

(that's Cheyenne, not Sueski, silly!) in Manayunk.

We love animals in our family. If you love animals, too, and are concerned about animal rights, here's a great site: Doris Day Animal League