The American War Bride Experience

GI Brides of World War II

World War II War Brides Originated

Africa Germany Norway
Albania Greece Palestine
Algeria Hawaii New Guines / Papua
Armenia Hungary Philippines
Australia Iceland Poland
Austria India Portugal
Belgium Iran Puerto Rico
Bulgaria Iraq Rumania
Burma Ireland Russia
Canada Italy Scotland
Central America Japan South Africa
China Lativia South America
Czechoslovakia Libya Spain
Denmark Lithuania Sweden
Egypt Luxembourg Switzerland
England Mexico Syria
Estonia Morocco Turkey
Finland Netherlands Wales
France Newfoundland West Indies
French Possessions in Africa New Zealand Yugoslavia
  Northern Ireland  
Source: War Brides of World War II by Elfrieda Berthiaume Shukert and Barbara Smith Scibetta. Presidio Press, 1988 ISBN 0-89141-309-X

 Thank you to everyone who has contributed to my site.
Without your help this site would not be successful.

© 2005 M. Thomas