Name Position Personailty
Lord Lemar Learing
Local Lord & Cult Leader
Meticulous & Assured
Blood Mage seeking Revenge
Cold & Cunning
Lord Adept Dulan Extel
Blood Path Mage
Maniacal & Pompous
Tavern Owner & Assassin
Charming & Easy-going

Also known as "the Council of Citizens" and to any outsiders who know of them, "the Citizen's Cult," the Citizens of the World believe that they are the true voice of the people. They believe that the Valdemaran government, as well as all the other governments of Velgarth, are nothing more than common tyranny.

An extremely secretive cult, anyone who becomes involved at one time and later wishes to leave, or learns of their secrets, is quickly silenced.  Outsiders just think of them as a strange religious group, because of their mysterious customs and routines.

In their quest to overthrow their first intended victim - Valdemar - they have been covertly causing various disruptions throughout the country, including murders, kidnappings, raiding, and coercing others to join their cause.

To learn more about the Council, visit the Archives.

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