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  Selling fishing and hunting vacations to the French

You want to sell fishing or hunting vacations to the French? You will find here information about your market in France and about French tour operators selling these tours.

! The market

In France, 4 200 fishing associations are numbered and a few tour operators specializing in discovery, nature or adventure tours do sell fishing and hunting vacations.

5 million French citizens do fish. Among them, 3 million fish on a regular basis. 2 million additonal French citizens do not fish but may be interested in a fishing vacation.

25% of the French fishermen go for a fishing vacation. They usually include additional activities.

French fishermen and hunters are mainly men, averaging 40 years old. They usually are employees, workers, or high income. The latter category go more often for fishing or hunting vacations abroad.

! Tour profile

Fishing and hunting tours are sold by non profit organization or by tour operators. Programs are always nature oriented : accommodation in a lodge or campground, 4 x 4 round trip, canoeing, whitewater rafting, birdwatching, nature watching... Groups are the most common clientele, but individual tourists may also occur.

Tour usually last for 10 to 14 days, and take place between November and March. The price range is US $ 3 000.00 to 4 000.00

! Tour operators profile

In France, a few tour operators specialize in fishing and hunting vacations. Very often, their owners are very fond of these sports themselves. They usually sell directly to the clients, advertizing in specialty magazines and relying on word-of-mouth. They are rarely retailed by travel agencies.

They keep in file the material of various suppliers around the world and pull out of them when their clients ask them to custom-design their dream vacation. Consequently, your best bet to get business from them is to make sure they receive your rates at least once a year. We'll be happy to provide you with the mailing list of these tour operators or to approach them for you. Ask us for more information.

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