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  Translate your web site into French

Sure, English is the most widespread language on the web and you were right publishing your site in English. But there are billions of people out there who do not read English and will not access to your site.

Translating your site will significantly boost traffic on your pages. For example, an American receptive operator we work with, whose site is available in 9 languages, registers 3 hits in various languages for each hit on his English page. More, the traffic on the French page nearly matches the traffic on the English page. Same with the Portuguese page.

That makes 4 times more visitors! How is that possible?

  • many people do not speak English and keep away from English search engines
  • in each country, the default page at connection opens to a search engine in local language
  • local search engines and directories register fewer sites than English search engines and your site gets a better chance of appearing with a good ranking
  • a lot of individual travelers hunt on the web when preparing their vacations

If you really want to open your business to the world, you might as well publish your site in more than one language.

We are willing to translate your English web site in the language we master as natives. The process is the following :

  • we get your html code from your web site
  • we translate the pages, the title and keywords into French
  • we save them on a new file
  • we e-mail the file to you
  • you upload it to your server
  • we submit your new pages to French search engines and directories

Our fee will be US $ 0.09 per word, with 30% downpayment, 50% upon reception of the file, 20% upon submission to search engines.

You may have done some work yet on your French page and just need proofreading from a native and submission to search engines. Then, our fee will be US $ 0.05 to 0.07 per word according to the time required for proofreading.

You are welcome to e-mail us for a free estimate or you can quote yourself by copying your text, pasting it on MS Word and click on "word count".

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