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ECO in concert
Updated 6 April 2000

Exeter Children's Orchestra is open to young people aged 7 to 19. There are normally up to 150 playing members. Anyone who is learning to play an instrument and can read music well enough to make a start is welcome to join. Many new members start on the recorder and progress to other instruments. No auditions are held. New members always welcome. Instruments are available for free of charge for those who can't afford to buy or hire themselves, see the Music for All page for further details.

Main Orchestra rehearsals are held every Saturday in term time at the Bishop Blackall Annex, Pennsylvania Road, Exeter from 10am - 12pm. Just pop in!

The Orchestra usually gives one or two full public concerts each term, as well as other outdoor performances (weather permitting!) in the City and surrounding towns. The Chamber Orchestra, made up of senior players, often features in these events and also arranges a separate programme of concerts. The Orchestra also tries to arrange at least one concert each year to raise funds for charity. In doing so, groups of musicians have formed small ensembles for carol singing, entertaining senior citizens, attending charity functions and organising social events.

See details of our new Music for All programme.


The Orchestra is an independent registered charity. It is funded through its concerts, subscriptions and fund raising. Support, including sponsorship and programme adverts, from local organisations is always welcomed.


| History | Programme | Europe | Who's Who | Education | Photograph | Links | Guide to the Orchestra | Music for All |

Listen to Prelude & Fugue by J S Bach

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© 1997-2000 Exeter Children's Orchestra

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